28-11-2016 08:10 PM
Has anyone else had problems receiving their reward code? I cashed in some points over 3 weeks ago for an Amazon voucher and have still not received the confirmation email with the relevant code. I have contacted Vodafone 5 times already (2 by phone and 3 online) and despite being assured my code would be with me within 48 hours I am still waiting. Getting very fed up now as wanted my voucher to do some Christmas shopping. any advice?
08-03-2017 10:48 AM
That's open ended! I'm sure I'll hear from you within the 48 hours originally mentioned and that you will have valid Amazon voucher details for me.
09-03-2017 02:52 PM
Problems here too. After waiting 24 hours I contacted them and told them I hadn't recieved the email with my voucher code. I was told the email had been delivered and that if I hadn't recieved it it would be escalated to a "dedicated team", I was told to expect an email from this mystery dedicated team within 48 hours and no email arrived from them either. I was told the voucher would probably arrive within 72 hours. I feel like people are just talking crap and not giving a straight answer to any of my questions.
09-03-2017 03:55 PM
I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.
For anyone else with the same issue, try the steps listed here and if you’re still affected, contact customer service.
09-03-2017 04:40 PM
Dane - you didn't get back to me within the 48 hours mentioned, so I've escalated my complaint and have written to your CEO today, copying in a few other interested parties. Your response is frankly an insult.
09-03-2017 03:00 PM
Problems here too. After waiting 24 hours I contacted them and told them I hadn't recieved the email with my voucher code. I was told the email had been delivered and that if I hadn't recieved it it would be escalated to a "dedicated team", I was told to expect an email from this mystery dedicated team within 48 hours and no email arrived from them either. I was told the voucher would probably arrive within 72 hours. I feel like people are not giving a straight answer to any of my questions.
07-03-2017 12:21 PM
09-03-2017 05:18 PM
10-03-2017 02:14 PM
I agree. I've had an email from Vodafone with an Amazon voucher code today but - guess what? - it's a voucher code they sent me in December 2016 and can't be credited to my account. I'm going to carry on fighting them because they are really annoying me. I think Trading Standards is an option because they are offering an inducement to spend money with them which is false.
10-03-2017 03:10 PM
I got an email saying that 2000 points had been taken but the voucher had not been created so they had added 2000 points back to my account for me to try again but as of now the 2000 points isn't there.
11-03-2017 08:57 PM
Same problem with redeeming 2000 points for a £20 Amazon Voucher - points gone but no voucher received!
So I have just had a very sureal conversation with a live chat operative. (Not sure what time zone they are in but its definately not GMT!)
Don't think I will every receive my voucher.
Hello , you are chatting with Vinod, one of Vodafone’s online customer service specialists.
louise: I cashed in 2000 reward points yesterday for a £20 Amazon Voucher , my point have reduced but I have not received my voucher code
Vinod: Congratts Louise !
Vinod: You got the Amazon Voucher
Vinod: So if you have the code you can show it Vodafone store and redeem the same
Vinod: Sorry even the message
Not the code I mean t
Vinod: I want to know how did you get informed of the code ?
Vinod:Was it email or text?
louise: I don't want to go to a store. I want my gift card emailed
Vinod: That will take long time
louise: Not received by email or text.
Vinod: So how we will confirm you have redeemed
Vinod: I want to see the message you have got
louise: No it should arrive in 24 hours
Vinod:Please share full text to me here
Vinod:Louse, generally we sent a message
louise: I haven't received a text or email yet that is the problem
Vinod:And you have to share the message to receive the code
Vinod:That's how it is working
louise: Share with who?
Vinod:You have to show to Vodafone store and pick the item of your choice showing the same
louise: No it should be sent by email
Vinod:They will give you Amazon voucher
Vinod:No problem
Vinod:Give me your email
Vinod:Wwe will sent you soon
louise: My nearest store is 50 miles away, yes a problem
Vinod:No problem
Vinod:Give me your email and your number
Vinod:We will sent you soon
louise: Please let me speak to your supervisor
louise: my number is XXXXXX and my email is XXXXXX
Vinod: Thanks Louise
Vinod:Let me check with my rewards team and update them your number
louise: Thank you they might know what to do
Vinod: Yes I discuss to them and they told me nothing to worry
Vinod: You will get the email in by tomorrow itself as Sunday they are not working.
louise: It is to worry I have not received by Amazon Gift Card £20. It should have arrived by now
Vinod: So that will be latest by Monday evening you will get the email.
Vinod:Be rest assured.
louise: That is not 24 hours as promised.
louise: So you are saying I have to wait 72 hours. That is rubbish
Vinod:No Louise
Vinod:See today is Sunday
Vinod:So processing not possilb e
louise: In the UK it is Saturday today!!
Vinod:Now by Monday evening our team will verify their details with you and sent you the same.
louise: Just rubbish service from Vodafone
Vinod:Because the rewards team is cut off for the day by 8 am to process existing cases
Vinod:So anyways I have told them to expedite on the matter
Vinod:And so you will get that by Monday evening, be rest assure1
louise: UK Monday or your Monday
Vinod:Its your UK Monday
Vinod:As you are UK customer and this chat we are dedicating only for UK customers
Vinod:So lets say you have a Vodafone Italy number you will not be getting the Amazon Voucher , so its exclusively for the UK customers like you .
Vinod:And we are proud to have you with us .
Vinod:Is there anything else I can help you with ?
louise: You haven't helped me with anything. Goodbye
Vinod:So you want the code to arrive on a Sunday Louise? We will have to ask them to come to office on Sunday ?
Vinod:Not verify anything and process it directly for you on a Sunday !
louise: But its Saturday today
Vinod:I told you Saturday they are working 8 am to 8 pm
louise: So it should have processed it today if I ordered it yesterday
Vinod:And that's why I was requesting you that as we have updated them with your email , you will get the email soon by Monday evening.
louise: You are making no sense
Vinod:But we are having many orders in pipeline so we are trying to sort all of them in the queue as well.
Vinod:YOu want it like Instant Noodles
Vinod:That I should get it now!
louise: Yes its an e voucher
Vinod:That is Brilliant Louise
Vinod:I have told them now you should come and work on Sunday for our customers
Vinod:Do not take any rest
Vinod:Leave your family
Vinod:Forget everything
Vinod:And come and work on Sunday to process all this type of cases
louise: Again you are making no sense. I don't think you should be working in customer service
Vinod:I have told them for you
louise: Fine
Vinod:As I told you I am updated them your number
Vinod:As the existing customr casese cut off is by 8 pm
Vinod:I think now you are getting me .
Vinod:I told the rewards team , look this number is here
Vinod:She is wanting that code very urgently
Vinod:So that is why I tell you , that you get that one by Monday evening.
Vinod:And I taken your email address
Vinod:And given them that one also
Vinod:SO they will email you the same
Vinod:Its all just for you, Louise!
Vinod:As we care for you
louise: I only want what Vodafone promised "Your reward will be sent to your email within the next 24 hours"
Vinod:And we want to keep our customers happy and satisfied all the timees
Vinod:Yes I told them same.