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R207 Unlocked - Can't use EE Sim

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Had my R207 mobile router (Huawei E5330) unlocked so that I can take advantage of best network coverage while travelling, but am having problems with EE network being avaible from the modem.

I can connect to the mifi unit via the Vodafone dashboard from iPad and Laptop, but the router isn't actually connecting to the Internet.  From the dashboard I can manually search for networks, I am unable to see an EE one, but can see some other providers.  I would have thought that I could manually input the settings but am struggling to see where to do this simply.  Under connectings I can see that I can create a custom account type, but the settings that it requires seem far more complicated than when I have done similar with other devices.

If this is the correct fields that I need to input, my next issue is obtaining these from EE!  

I have spent almost 3 hours on the phone today with Vodafone and EE and am still none the wiser.  Anybody able to help at all??


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @Pistols, 


While you can get the hardware user guide here, you'll need to get the manual APN settings from EE themselves. :Smiling:




Thanks Ben

Easier said than done!!

im having the same issue


in particular the R207 is asking for a "IPV4/6 Number"


what is this? APN i know but have never seen  a IPV4/6 Number for any mobile apn profile

Thanks to Pistols for this info:


IP type: IPv4 + IPv6
IPv4/IPv6APN: everywhere
IPv4/IPv6 number: *99#
Security: CHAP


watch out for rogue empty spaces after the everywhere when writing it into the APN box!

Just a pity that EE aren't able to undersatnd what we are looking for and tell us this when we ask them!!

Hi there

Will the EE settings work for other SIMs as I am going to Africa where the usual networks won't work? Thank you


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @gerip


For more information on this, you'll need to get in touch with EE.





Hi there

I have an R207 and I am taking it to Africa, where Vodafone does not work. Will the EE unlocking code/settings listed before work with other SIM cards?

Thank you