16-12-2014 01:28 AM
Had my R207 mobile router (Huawei E5330) unlocked so that I can take advantage of best network coverage while travelling, but am having problems with EE network being avaible from the modem.
I can connect to the mifi unit via the Vodafone dashboard from iPad and Laptop, but the router isn't actually connecting to the Internet. From the dashboard I can manually search for networks, I am unable to see an EE one, but can see some other providers. I would have thought that I could manually input the settings but am struggling to see where to do this simply. Under connectings I can see that I can create a custom account type, but the settings that it requires seem far more complicated than when I have done similar with other devices.
If this is the correct fields that I need to input, my next issue is obtaining these from EE!
I have spent almost 3 hours on the phone today with Vodafone and EE and am still none the wiser. Anybody able to help at all??
19-12-2014 10:55 PM
Thanks Ben
Easier said than done!!
24-12-2014 07:50 PM
im having the same issue
in particular the R207 is asking for a "IPV4/6 Number"
what is this? APN i know but have never seen a IPV4/6 Number for any mobile apn profile
01-01-2015 07:56 PM
Thanks to Pistols for this info:
IP type: IPv4 + IPv6
IPv4/IPv6APN: everywhere
IPv4/IPv6 number: *99#
Security: CHAP
watch out for rogue empty spaces after the everywhere when writing it into the APN box!
02-01-2015 10:48 AM
Just a pity that EE aren't able to undersatnd what we are looking for and tell us this when we ask them!!
09-04-2015 06:30 PM
Hi there
Will the EE settings work for other SIMs as I am going to Africa where the usual networks won't work? Thank you
13-04-2015 01:39 PM
09-04-2015 06:11 PM
Hi there
I have an R207 and I am taking it to Africa, where Vodafone does not work. Will the EE unlocking code/settings listed before work with other SIM cards?
Thank you