08-06-2017 06:42 PM
Please could somebody advise me on what I should do about my phone repair. Sorry if my explanation is confusing!
My Samsung S7 Edge developed a big pink line down the screen a while ago. I recently took it into a Vodafone shop to send off for repair. I pointed out to them that there was a crack on the back of the phone but said that I didn't want that repaired. I was told that the pink line was a software issue and that it would be covered under warranty.
I've received a call today from the repair centre saying that due to the crack the warranty is void and the repair will cost £234. I told them I didn't want to pay that much so not to perform the repair. I then called Vodafone to see if there was anything they could do for me and they said that the £234 was to repair the crack on the back rather than the pink line (so conflicting information).
£234 sounds like way too much to repair the back glass (when I spoke to Samsung previously they had said £90 but I decided I wasn't that bothered about it.
What would people recommend I do next? Is there any way I can escalate the issue as it seems unfair to have to pay that much when the issue itself is unrelated to the damage.
08-06-2017 06:56 PM
My Samsung Galaxy s7 edge also developed the pink line.
Its not a software issue.
Its a hardware issue to do with the screen and pixels.
My screen was replaced by my local Carphone Warehouse under the 24 month manufacturing warranty.
The difference here sadly is the crack on the back could make the engineers report this damage which msy have contributed.
The screen is replaced via inserting it into a specific machine which removes it. The damage on the back may have stopped the repair as the crack may have grown.
If this was my situation I'd ask for it back and visit a Samsung Service Location, Samsung Experience Store or Carphone Warehouse Store with a repair centre in. Don't mention what you've been quoted and see what they say.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.