01-10-2014 09:11 AM
I have just sent an e-mail to the CEO of Vodafone, asking him to update his many frustrated customers on the sure signal situation. I have also asked how he intends to compensate us for the loss of service that we have had for the last five days. Please do the same everyone. They need to know how unhappy we are.
06-10-2014 02:12 PM
I wrote to the CEO on Friday but haven't yet received a reply. I guess it is only one working day ago so I'll be patient. However, I posted a snail-mail letter to the Customer Relations Manager on 30 Sept and have had no reply as yet.
Will keep you all updated.
07-10-2014 09:12 PM - edited 07-10-2014 09:47 PM
Today (Tuesday 7 Oct), I received a phone call from someone at Vodafone representing the CEO's office/customer complaints. This was in response to a letter I sent to the Vodafone Customer Relations Manager and the online 'Feedback to the Vodafone UK CEO'. It was an utterly worthless call during which I received no useful information. I asked about compensation for all the inconvenience that Vodafone had caused me and was finally offered £5! It is insulting beyond belief that the CEO makes the following statement on the Vodafone UK website:
"I'm committed to ensuring we provide the best service possible and am therefore passionate about listening to our customers".
Draw your own conclusions! I also suspect that Vodafone is far more interested in listening to its shareholders than its customers. Earlier this year, when Vodafone sold off its stake in Verizon, they walked away £84 billion better off!
For my part, I want no more dealings with Vodafone.
08-10-2014 03:21 PM
Well I have just received the promised follow up call from Voda (see post number 10.)
We ended the previous call with an agreement that the rep would call me back today with specific information about what caused the problem, how it was fixed and whether it could happen again and, to his credit, he actually went some way to answering those questions. He told me that they had been told not to give customers any technical information about the outage but had agreement from his manager that he could tell me as I had been so insistent.
He told me that the problem was caused by a fault in the BT broadband network whereby bandwidth was restricted "in certain locations" and Sure Signal "which requires at least 3Mb to operate" wasn't able to operate because of this. I questioned him on this as the outage appeared to have been national rather than "in certain locations" and also pointed out that only Sure Signal appeared to have been affected but he stuck to his script and wasn't able/willing to tell me any more.
In terms of my second question; he told me that the Sure Signal problem was fixed when BT fixed their bandwidth issues. The implication being that Vodafone themselves were not involved.
As for my third question; he couldn't give me any assurance that this would not happen again as, with all complex technical systems, problems can occur from time to time and "no telecoms provider guarantees to be available 100% of the time."
In many ways this leaves more questions than answers as it doesn't explain why people are still disconnected, doesn't explain why only Sure Signal seems to have been hit while other systems are working and, given how flaky and variable most of us find out broadband speed to be usually, doesn't explain why it happened suddenly, and only once.
I tried covering these inconsistencies with him but he had already gone as far as his knowledge (and scripted response) was going to go.
I then asked him why they had not kept us informed, why they had denied there was a problem for at least two days and why they are still refusing to respond to questions about this outage. At this point he started leafing through his "Call Centre Big Book of Platitudes" and apologised for any inconvenience I had suffered, promised to pass my comments on and hoped he could now close the case on their system.
It was clear that to take this any further I would have to escalate the complaint and wait in for another call from someone who also had a copy of the Big Book so I let him close the case.
I estimate I have now spent over 100 minutes on the phone to these people over this issue and that is 100 minutes of my life that I will never get back!
The next time I have an problem with some aspect of the Vodafone service, rather than contacting their call centre I've decided to poke myself in the eye instead; It's as likely to fix the problem, will be much quicker and probably won't hurt as much.
18-10-2014 12:23 PM - edited 18-10-2014 12:35 PM
For the last couple of weeks, I have been enjoying a life without Vodafone. But, I realized that I had failed to wrap things up properly here on this forum.
In response to my letter to Customer Services and my online request to the CEO, I did receive a standard reply letter from Vodafone Customer Services. This letter missed the point completely, failing to address my comments about the Sure Signal service. Instead, it claimed that I had not provided sufficient information "to locate the Vodafone account and clear verification checks". Why this was relevant to my questions I will never know. Then they went on to ask for details such as monthly line rental! What line rental? By this point, I'd had enough. Dealing with Vodafone is like having a bad dream. I have decided not to pursue this sorry saga any further. Sorry, Vodafone, but I have a life to live!
21-10-2014 11:59 AM
23-10-2014 02:48 PM
The points that I raised in my letter were of a general nature and not about me or my account. I was complaining about the lack of updates regarding the Sure Signal outage. Why would that necessitate access to my account? Having said that, my name and address were on the letter. I could understand the need to verify my details if I was trying to access them. But I wasn't. So, why were security checks necessary in this case?
The bottom line is that if a person wants to make a formal complaint about Vodafone's abysmal customer service, it is necessary to pass security checks first. That is absurd.
25-10-2014 05:28 PM
Hi @jaypeecee
That would depend on the nature of the complaint. The majority of the time, we need to access the account to find out who the complaint relates to so we can pass the feedback on.
In regards to the Sure Signal outage, my apologies if you weren't happy about the updates we provided. We're constantly looking at feedback we receive and always use this to improve our service for the future.
28-10-2014 10:17 AM
I have just done the same thing. I cannot believe how useless Vodafone are. How can a billion pound company not be organised enough to know when replacement Sure Signals will be avaialble. It just beggars belief.
Compounded is the fact that my Sure Signal one has worked perfectly for 5 years and has now mysteriously stopped working - because i believe Vodafone have made a firmware update which stops them working. Nightmare.