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Sure Signal issue

4: Newbie

1) Does the issue happen in just one location? Yes, only in the house If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service? 100 yards from the house 2) What is the full postcode of where the issue occurs? G71 7JB If you don't want this showing on the eForum, add it to your profile here. 3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone? Yes 4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs? The other phones rings once, then I get a "Network Busy, please try again later" pop up 5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all? 2g and 3g 6) When did you first notice this issue? yesterday 7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs? permanent I have reset the Sure Signal, issue still occurs, switch Sure Signal off, still happens I reset my wifi modem which seemed to clear the issue, but only for 2 minutes, I've also changed the channel the wifi is on basically, tried everything I can think of


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi iainsymac,

Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.

Your speed test results from here.

Your ping test results from here.

Your external IP address from here.

The results of a traceroute.


Your Sure Signal serial number:


VSS Traceroute command

On a PC:

Click on Start and select Run

Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok

A black box will appear.

In this box type tracert press Enter

Paste the output of this command into your reply.

This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.



21224331427 Sure Signal 


It's an issue with the Sure Signal, when I switch off and disconnect from the router, i can call out....I've done all the resets as advised on the website...this is my last option.....I've got to say I feel very undervalued as a long standing Vodafone customer at the lazy, and lack of, response I've had from you both on here and from Twitter, you both seem to be passing the buck.

Although your website may say that there is is great signal cover for my area, G71 7JB, there are certain areas with my house where the sugnal is not great, which is why I have Sure Signal.

I would appreciate a more prompt reply and resolution to this issue,


many thanks

Hi iainsymac,


We need this information to verify whether the connection is working correctly. 


I've noticed your on Virgin Media, please ensure that the IPSEC is ticked on your router settings. You can find out how to do this by speaking with Virgin if required.


Please also let us know your Sure Signal serial number.



Matt B

Hi Matt, I will check the IPSEC setting when I get home. If you had read my last but one post properly you would have seen my Sure Signal serial number.....21224331427

IPSEC is ticked but the issue still remains, I can't call out with the Sure Signal switched on.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi iainsymac,


Apologies that Matt missed the serial number in your results.

I can see your Sure Signal is on the latest firmware and contacted our servers around 10:30pm last night. 

If you're still not seeing outgoing service, please test another Ethernet cable. Failing this, please try the unit at a friend or relatives house for an hour.


This will help us to rule out any hardware failure and avoid you arranging and paying for a repair/replacement unnecessarily. 



Hi Ben,


I tried what you suggested, but the problem remains, I can't call out when Sure Signal is on.


Everything else is ok


I'm using a BB Z10 os10.2.1.2977, the last software upgrade was over 3 months ago.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi iainsymac,


Are the other users registered to your Sure Signal, able to make calls?


It’s not showing a location change.


Please test your Sure Signal using a different internet connection (at a friends or family’s address).



