14-11-2014 12:14 PM
I'm having trouble with my sure signal not connecting properly. i've enabled port forwarding but all i get is the following slow flashing light sequence
1, 2, 4
1, 4
04-12-2014 06:05 AM
Hi @shonkey
We've been unable to pinpoint what causes this issue when speaking with BT. Upgrading to a Homehub 4 or higher fixes the issue for most users (as you'll see from similar threads).
04-12-2014 09:06 AM
Hi Ben,
I've changed my router to be a TP-Link TD-W8968.
What configuration if any do i need to do in order for the sure signal to connect.
02-01-2015 11:58 AM
Any update on this as the sure signal device still is not working correctly.
Can you confirm whether or not you can see it is connected?
02-01-2015 02:42 PM
Hi @shonkey
The Sure Signal still hasn't made contact.
Please try it at a different location using a different ISP.
08-01-2015 08:43 AM
Please can you let me know what configuration is needed for this as i've pretty much tried everything.
TP-Link TD-W8968.
Static IP address assigned to sure signal
Static IP address issued by service provider
Sure Signal device placed in DMZ of router
Port forwarding allowed for 8, 50, 123, 500, 4500, 1723
08-01-2015 09:22 AM - edited 08-01-2015 09:25 AM
Hi shonkey,
Looking at your problem, I think your issue is with your power supply.
Your symptoms look very similar to what myself and quite a few others have had recently.
Unfortunately the only easy way to diagnose this problem is to obtain a replacement power supply which are readily available from Amazon or Ebay for around £10.
Good luck.
09-01-2015 02:04 PM
Hi Mike,
THanks for this. I tried 2 different power supplies and still no change.
i just am in a loop at the moment
lights 1, 2 and 3
then 2
then 1 and 3
12-01-2015 02:28 PM
Hi @shonkey
As you’ve changed your router, please make sure the port forwarding is correct.
Ports and Protocols:
12-01-2015 03:11 PM
Hi Laura,
All ports are forwarded as i ensured that this happened when the router was switched out.
15-01-2015 03:15 PM
Hi @shonkey
Please provide another speedtest as your original one was quite low. If you’ve got other devices using the bandwidth, this will affect it.
The only other way we can rule out a fault with the Sure Signal itself is for you to try using it at a different location (a friend or family member’s for example).
When you try this, please leave it connected for 24 hours.