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Sure signal dead

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

The issue you’re experiencing: No signal and no lights on Suresignal


What light sequence you're seeing: None


Your Sure Signal serial number: 40131980985


Have been told by VF that I just need to buy another one! :Sad_face:

I would expect these last more tha three years



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



The Sure Signal has a 24 month warranty attached so unfortunately if your over that then the advice given is correct. 


That said, It may also be worth trying a different power supply with the SureSignal (Version 1 & 2 ), as there have been some reports of replacement power supplies solving the issues. Even if lights / power are showing. They are available on eBay for around £10.


From member cineriv "But firstly, have a look around for a suitable unit with a 12 Volt output @ around 1.5Amp capacity that you could 'borrow' to prove the fault. Suitable units can be found on external hard drives, monitors, printers, routers etc.etc."

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Yes almost axactly 3 years old! :smileymad:

It's an Alcatel 9361 Home Cell p3.0 all-in-one unit so no separate psu.

It's a business contract, so time to see if other networks have improved their signal around here I guess. 



This has the potential to cause the unit to explode internally, trip your 32amp mains electric breaker and go with a very large bang and a flash.. if it's not already done so..


If there are no lights on your SureSignal V3, remove it immediately from the socket and see the posting I made here:


Please see the post regarding reporting this issue to Trading Standards and BBC's Watchdog.


If you put a message on the end of my post, Vodafone will contact you directly to arrange a FREE replacement regardless of warranty status and when you purchased it..

Oh.. don't forget to claim for the defrosted contents of the fridge/ freezer under consequential damages of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or Consumer Rights Act 2015 depending on when you purchased it.

It is important to report all failed SureSignal V3 using the links below to:

BBC's Watchdog:

Trading Standards: Call them on 0345 4 040506

Vodafone CEO: -  (Search Vodafone UK)

Just an update.

I called the VF cancellations team intending to go to o2 who would supply their version of the suresignal for free as reception is poor in this Area, and the VF team sent a replacement Suresignal FOC.

Only problem now is that although it seems to be working, I can't access it via the "mange your Suresignal" part of the myvodafone site as "there is a problem with the site and we're updating it". Have been told to try again in a couple of weeks!

At least we have a signal for now!

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@helluvaname Thanks for letting us know! 


Apologies for the inconveniece in relation to the My Vodafone page experiencing issues. 


If you'd like us to help in adding/removing any numbers from your Vodafone Sure Signal, kindly contact us via Live Chat

12: Established
12: Established
While you're waiting, you'll have time to contact BBC Watchdog

Tell them the full story, especially how it failed, how old it was and the problems you have had getting a replacement and niw having to wait 14days to use it.

Don't bother with Trading Standards, they are a waste of time and they'll be involved involuntary at a later date...

It is important to report all failed SureSignal V3 using the links below to:

BBC's Watchdog:

Trading Standards: Call them on 0345 4 040506

Vodafone CEO: -  (Search Vodafone UK)