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Vodafone connect router DHCP settings

4: Newbie

I have posted this into off topic as I can not see any reference to Vodafone Home phone and Broadband.

I have install the router and all is working but there one thing that is missing from the setting of the VDSL router that being a function to turn off DHCP, I have for the pasted 10 year had my own network running at home with a fully working server that is my DHCP & DNS server but for the first time in history I have just sign up for 18 month and got a bloody router that has no function in the GUI settings pages to turn OFF the DHCP server. So for now I will have to wait for 18 months before I can change ISP. thanks vodafone tech team for missing this one. If there is anyone out there that can offer me a firmware update to give me the function to turn OFF DHCP then please post it.


602 REPLIES 602

My problem was that my Samsung TV was no longer able to connect to the contents of my pc. They way I solved that was by buying a £10 TP-Link switch!


I tried the username and password combination I received by 'phone on June 26th (using a Netgear DG834 router) so I gave up after getting CHAP authentication error message. But today, determined to give it another go, I disconnected the VF router, plugged in the Netgear device and ... it worked! My Netgear router had saved the username and password. The reason I went back to trying this again was because I backed up the configurations settings into an XML file, then opened it in a text editor. Searching on "username" I found the correct dsl000nnnnnn[at] username. The XML file also contains several strings with password too. But I haven't tried using that. Just going to leave things working. I think the answer is ring-up and ask for username and password.

4: Newbie
What format is the username & password in? I know it's not generic like BT.

4: Newbie
See a few posts above, adrianball claims he got his.

No proof he did though as I repeatedly got nowhere requesting this. He also hasn't replied to advise what format it is in.

Agree, no proof = it didn't happen!

4: Newbie
I also question whether this would work as when I spoke to VF during my install, the implication was that there was some serial number checking going on on as well as username, password shenanigans. Happy to be proved wrong, however

I was awaiting delivery of a VDSL router (TP-Link Archer VR900), before I could test out the credentials.  I was getting alerted to the replies here, even though the box is ticked, so have only just come back to check.


The username is in the following form (as someone asked)

dsl000nnnnnn at, where the 'n's are decimals. (replace at with the sign etc, it won't let me post this verbatim).


Quick setup on the router worked straight away, using the BT_VDSL preset.


If you can't get your login details directly, I would suggest you go down the 'formal complaint' route - that's what I was trying to do when I obviously got talking to the right person (he just came up on the chat as 'Simon', no surname).

4: Newbie
What about the password? Is it generic or appear unique to the device/account?

I have tried the complaint route and multiple times on chat with no success. They advise that they"used to" be able to give this information out but no longer can. Even tho I tried to get this I. October last year so there definition of "used to" seems to differ from everyone elses

4: Newbie
Yeah come on Vodafone, listen to all your customers for once and provide what 99% of other ISPs provide!