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sure signal

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


Having had alot of problems with my box ie unable to maintain a stable signa i was given a replacement the same thing is happening, i have checked trouble shooting all is ok.

serial no 40131158699

ping 40ms

download 1.86

upload o.36


i have attahed cmd

many thanks caroline



2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi ,

Sorry, My IP is not as stated but

Many thanks again



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi cassy,


The upload speed is a little close to the 0.33 minimum. Do you have a lot of devices running off this one broadband connection? It's possible that they're not leaving enough available at times for the Sure Signal to stay connected.


I've tried a resync at this end, so reset the Sure Signal box to see if this helps. You may want to try disconnecting the Ethernet cable whilst doing this. 


For Sure Signal version 1 or 2:

  • Hold down the reset button until all the lights show (about 30 seconds)
  • Keeping the reset button held down, remove then re-insert the power lead.
  • Once all lights display release the reset button.
  • The Sure Signal will come online in around 1 hour.


For Sure Signal version 3:

  • Locate the button on the base of the box next to the Ethernet ports.
  • Press and hold the button for approximately 30 seconds.
  • Once the lights come back on, release the button.
  • The Sure Signal will come online in around 1 hour.


If it still doesn't help, what light sequence are you seeing on the Sure Signal when it goes down?



2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Hi Dave,
Thank you so much for your relply, I have reset
My box, it worked for a few hours, the lights currently show red power, amber Internet , no other lights visible, the light sequences do change through out the day to flashing Internet and power or red power only , I am completely at a loss.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi cassy,


If it's a solid power light and flashing internet, that means it's initialising which suggests that it's dropped the connection. I'm not sure what the other combinations are as they don't seem to match any we have on our list.


Can you try the following for me?


 - Check the Maximum transmission unit (MTU) on the router is set to 1500. If it won't go that high, set it to the maximum available.


 - Check the following ports are opened for forwarding on the router - 8, 50, 123, 500, 1723, 4500.


 - Check the Ethernet port lights on the sure Signal. Are they lit, flashing or off?


 - Try the cables in a different socket on the router.


 - Try a different Ethernet cable.


 - Make sure the Sure Signal box is in a well-ventilated location and at least 1ft away from other electrical equipment to avoid overheating and interference.



2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Hi Dave,
I have checked all the above and all seems fine, I have had a few days of service although intermittent ie red light flashing then solid red light with Internet flashing, solid red light with orange Internet and service light and today solid red light only, thanks for your help in trying to resolve this i remain totally at a loss.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi cassy,


Can you confirm which Home Hub you’re using?


We are aware of an issue with some BT customers and it sounds like it could be causing this problem.


Are you able to test this on a non BT internet connection at a friends or relatives house to see if it still happens?




I can confirm that i am using a BT hub, i live in a rural area so have been unable to find anyone using another network, we are very limited, i do believe that my problem lies with my ISP they have today assisted me in opening port this has so far has been unsuccesfull, i also tried to do a trace route yesterday this was not achieved as nothing was detected, i am now going stir crazy if there is a problem with BT is there a solution???


Sorry thought i ought to mention BT infinity hasn't reached us yet.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi cassy, 


This is difficult to diagnose as you mention you've had a replacement and the same thing is happening. 


It does seem like it is an issue with your ISP but we've advised as much as we can with regards to your router settings. It may be worth trying it in a different location in your house to see if this makes a difference. 


A different router is another option, have a word with your ISP to see if there is anything they can do for you. 



