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Broadband dropping out constantly

3: Seeker
3: Seeker



i have been with vodafone for just under a week now. When the broadband is working correctly, the speeds are very good and i’m getting more than my estimated speeds. However, speeds are quite useless when the internet is down a few times an hour.


The internet drops every 20 or so minutes throughout the day. This isn’t just over wi-fi either. It is happening through ethernet on my PC.


I have tried restarting the router, factory resetting it, a couple different microfiltere, splitting the SSID to try using a 5GHz connection and still no improvement.


What else is there to try? I have called support a couple of times but they have been useless, trying the regular troubleshooting and then when they fail to find a fix promise a callback which never happens. Am I in my right to change provider as I am within the 14 day cooling off period? I didnt have this issue with a BT or Sky.


Thanks for any help you guys can offer.


Hi @Tim-123, let's see what we can do here. How many devices do you currently have connected? Are you noticing these connection drop-outs at specific times of day, or sporadically?



Hi Jack,


Thank you for your help.


Just one Mac connected. Sometimes with an iPad. Drop outs can occur during routine browsing and even when nothing is connected. They seem to occur at ay time - whether lunch time or in the wee small hours. Sometimes they are intermittent (just once or twice in a given hour), other times it will drop 10 or 12 times in a 2 hour period. I haven't noticed a relationship with the time of day - though that's not to say there isn't one.




I have used the online complaints process and was told someone would contact me within 48 hours. Over a week has gone by now and I have heard nothing. There has been no further response on this thread either.


The problem of constantly dropping connection persists.


Please would Vodafone at least let me know if they consider this to be a problem at all or whether it's a standard of provision Vodafone is happy to stand by as normal for their company?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I also have the problem of the broadband disconnecting at random times ever since I joined Vodafone. The router (THG3000) records them as "Number of Cuts" under DSL status. I have noticed that the upstream Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) varies each time I check it and I have seen it go negative (it suddenly changes to a large number) just before the reboot.

The downstream SNR stay fairly constant all the time.

I'm beginning to think it may be a faulty modem or maybe all the THG3000's are "flakey"

I have had Openreach out and they have tested the line and fitted a new DSL socket (I originally had a ancient standard socket).

I am expecting a call back from Vodafone first line as I have been running during the weekend plugged into the test socket which has made no difference, as I knew it wouldn't as I have no internal wiring, but they have to tick their boxes.

Edit: 31/08/2020: I got the call back and I reported the 4 drops I had over the weekend, they retested the line and apparently this time it detected the modem as faulty so they say they are sending a replacement.

Fingers crossed for me.

See update:

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Update on my previous post.

The new router arrived and I fitted it. Hopefully it will cure the disconnects as it has connected at the correct speed with a good SNR.

The bad news is that despite everything looking good I have no access to the internet. Got back onto 1st line and after about an hour of mucking about they gave up and passed the call to 2nd line and I have to wait until they decide to call me back. Could be up to 3 days they say.

Vodafone support is an absolute joke.

Update: Well the new modem hasn't cured the disconnects as there were 2 overnight and still no call back or internet. How do I get out of this contract without penalty?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @Jayach If you're router's not connecting to our service at all, it may not be correctly provisioned. We can check this for you. As we'll need access to your account to do this, please pop us a private message through one of our social channels and we'll be happy to help 😊

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Mark wrote:

Hey @Jayach If you're router's not connecting to our service at all, it may not be correctly provisioned. We can check this for you. As we'll need access to your account to do this, please pop us a private message through one of our social channels and we'll be happy to help 😊

Thanks for trying to help, but I've had both 1st and 2nd line try to re-provision the new router and neither have been able to do it. Waiting on a call back from 3rd line now. I don't "do" social media.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @Jayach, I appreciate how important it is to have a stable connection, especially now! Have you heard from the 3rd line tech team yet?

Tech team should've provided you with a direct number and reference for you to contact to get an update. I understand you don't have any social media platforms, we do also have teams on livechat who will be able to help with this.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Evie No, no call back yet. I have a fault reference and phone no. but that took ages to get answered last time I tried it and I believe it goes to 2nd line. I have used the chat for another problem (app not working properly). It was dire and resulted in being to told to wait for a week and it should start working (no I didn't believe them and no it hasn't). I prefer to see if 3rd line call back because at least I will be talking to the correct person.

Thank you for your interest though.

Update 9/9/2020.

No call back from 3rd line after 4 working days so I called the contact number. Answered after 45 minutes and it was 2nd line as suspected, but this time she says she can see the drop outs on my line and it is definitely not the modem so they are calling out Openreach again. Engineer expected tomorrow PM.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Just to update on my previous post.

The engineer visited as arranged, he announced himself as the BT engineer so was obviously an old hand unlike the previous young lad.

He tested the line and said it passed the tests (as before) but that he was seeing anomalies on the fibre (the copper was fine), and he would check at the cabinet. He was unable to switch me to another fibre port yesterday, but came back this morning and switched fibre ports and my line has run at full speed with fine SNR all day so I think it is fixed.

I must say all the Vodafone people I have spoken to whilst trying to get this fixed have been very conciliatory but I think they are all badly under trained as this should have not taken this long to get resolved.

Hope you are able to yours resolved soon @TIM 123 ,personally I didn't use the social media channels as I have no faith in them resolving anything.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @Tim-123 - if you include your Community username in your Facebook message to us we'll be able to track down your message to us, rather than sharing your profile on the thread.
@Jayach Thanks for updating us on the thread here - I'm glad to hear this has now been resolved for you. If you do have any further questions in the future, please let us know and we'll be happy to help.