15-02-2021 02:30 PM
Hi Guys,
after months and failed attempts to resolve I’ve stumbled across the PPPoe uptime which appears to correlate with interruptions in internet service.
1/ what is a typical figure
2/ should this cattle truck the internet radio?
kind regards dave
24-02-2021 01:40 PM
Thanks Andy,
The link in the message didnt activate messenger, seems (appears) to be working now, it was from an XP pro pc running (equally old! ) firefox.
Please consider issue closed as it appaers to be working now. Plus I've started the conversation with Voadafone on my iphone
24-02-2021 05:40 PM
No problem @Dave_strava Thanks for letting us know and glad to hear it is all resolved 😊
18-02-2021 11:33 AM
thanks Jayach