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VDSL failure after router restart

4: Newbie

Hi all,

I had to restart my VF router this morning as I was installing a UPS on the critical internet bits and, somewhat ironically, after bringing it back up it now no longer connects to the internet. Sigh.

It's actually obtaining a WAN IP address, but it's not the correct static IP that I've had since day 1 at Voda, and I cannot ping the gateway address that's provided, nor any other internet host. Because it's receiving a WAN IP, the router is reporting that the internet is working, but clearly it's not.

I seem to recall having this before when, for whatever reason, the router could no longer authenticate with VF and it seemed to fall back onto some sort of non-routable address instead of my normal static WAN IP, but I can't remember how it was resolved. I've had a couple of goes at explaining this to VF tech support, but in the end they gave up and dumped it straight onto Openreach for resolution. The painful bit is that today is a /really/ bad day to have an internet outage and I've no idea when it'll come back again, or when Openreach will contact me which is a little frustrating.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to anything that I might be able to do from my end to either resolve this, or try to persuade VF to move a bit quicker to resolve it at their end?



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

That sounds very strange, if the only difference it that it is now on a UPS. I presume you have tried rebooting the router a few times. Perhaps leave it disconnected for awhile and then try again. Possibly also try factory resetting the router (O.K. that is kind of grabbing at straws).

Apparently, my router had become "unregistered" and had to be re-added. After a bit of faffing around (and a router factory reset) we got it back online again. A painful experience, especially as it was down all day, but was very happy to get it back up again!

No idea what the underlying cause was as nothing had changed at my end apart from the 10 minute downtime while I sorted the UPS power. Very odd indeed. TBH, I have my doubts about the stock Voda router (THG3000?) as it's quite the slowest, most unusable thing I've ever come across. We've got fibre going in soon so will review after that and may just pony up and buy a decent router instead.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I quite like the THG3000, but hate they way they restrict the options in the firmware. If you are staying with Vodafone for FTTP, be aware that if you use your own router you will currently lose the phone service.

Fair enough. Hoping to move to FTTP in the next month or so (depending on when they get around to stringing fibre from the posts!) but still not sure if it will be Voda or someone else until Openreach open things up. I'll be honest, the THG3000 feels woefully inadequate for the job...!