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Xbox Series X wired connection issue

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, hoping someone could help.


Since switching to Vodaphone I have been experiencing issues with my Xbox connecting to the the network via a wired connection. What I find is sometimes if I restart the Xbox enough, it pics up the wired connection.

What I have tried (on the Xbox):

Reset MAC - same issue

NAT Type set to open which is correct

Did a factory reset of the Xbox - same issueHowever when I connected the Xbox to the Wi-Fi - works fine

What I tried on the router;

Power cycle - same issue

Manually added DNS ( - same issue

Changed Ethernet cable - same issue

Other devices connected via a Ethernet cable work fine.


At the point I don’t believe this is a Xbox issue but an issue with the router or broadband. Is there something that maybe stopping/making the wired connection intermittent as I’m not sure what else to do.


As I said I had no issues when on Virgin using a wired Ethernet connection.




428 REPLIES 428

I just find it mind blowing that Vodafone can’t fix this. Does anyone know if they new router works without the switch? 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@James35760 If the problem is found to be in the router, it must be remembered that VF are not the manufacturer. Sometimes the firmware could need an update but other times it could be due to the chipset in the hardware. VF may not be able to do anything even if they were motivated to do something.

More often than not, it's 3rd parties that build the equipment, so that's not an excuse. Vodafone should have them fix the issue regardless of what's causing it. Looking online, the issue has been discussed for years, yet talking to Vodafone (loads of times and I've only been with them 9 days). They seem oblivious to the issue. I've just posted a response to the initial feed. I hope this works for all.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


Not sure why you have posted your 2 posts, all that information is in this thread already, still I suppose it doesn't hurt having it again.

Welcome to the forum.

@Jayachlet's be honest there are 18 pages now, quite alot to read through

1) there's that much responses in here, I never seen my findings within.

2) it would be handy if Vodafone actually told people about the solution (although the technical team didn't have a scooby). Not one of the 15+ (in 9 days) that I've communicated with said, heres how to fix this.

3) it would be handy if Vodafone/3rd part actually sorted the issue as you should have to,

first - have the issue,

second - find a solution by yourself, thirdly - buy additional equipment to work around the issue.

4) And if customers do need to search the net for a solution, you shouldn't have to read 350 response (on this particular forum alone) to locate a solution. Post something so it's the first thing you see.........

Exactly part of my point,............. regardless customer need to know

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@TONYHENDERSON  You do not have to read all of the posts. Either the forum search or an external search would have narrowed it down quite extensively. VF would likely argue that they are not responsible for the specification of the Xbox and likewise Xbox would not commit to matching the VF hardware. There's something not 100% compatible between the two devices, it could even be something as simple as the unmanaged switch acting as an amplifier between the two. I think that nobody in the forum knows the full technical reason.

I've searched the internet and spoke to 15+ Vodafone personal and never once found the solution I used. I only found out about the workaround by bumping into an old colleague. 9 days after reporting and searching my issue. They even phoned me earlier to see if I received the second router that would resolve the issue as they were convinced it was faulty ethernet ports. I explained the router didn't fix the issue but I fixed by this method. They didn't know the ethernet adapter solution until I told them. So if you think the solution is known and findable, why did they not tell me about it in 15+ conversations I had with them. I'll also take the assumption that you and the previous responder are something to do with Vodafone. Any way I don't need to keep receiving pointless responses. Better to have it out there as possible.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Cynric wrote:

I think that nobody in the forum knows the full technical reason.

No, I don't think they do, and finding it works via a switch was a complete fluke,