11-08-2020 08:44 AM
I bought a Gigacube last week because my ISP Broadband was letting me down. I bought a 4g one as there is no 5g in my area, and although it seems to work ok, it often struggles to resolve site addresses and complains about name resolution. I have googled this but cannot find much except that I should change the DNS setting in the router to googles dns , is this the right advice? Vodafone's support teams were not much use as they didn't seem to understand what DNS was.
Also, I noticed that my green light has turned blue, which appears to mean I am now on 3G and not 4G, yet the router stats show 4G, is this normal? Which network am I actually using, 3G or 4G?
Not being able to hit sites is getting to be quite frustrating now, especially those that i was on an hour earlier and especially as i got this due to my other ISP letting me down.
Any advice you can give will be welcome. Thanks.
13-08-2020 01:26 PM
13-08-2020 01:49 PM
Hi, I got the DNS issue sorted. The out of the box DNS configuration is - it was suggested I put the public DNS address in of and as secondary, and I am now not getting any DNS issues. I must admit with a address it does make me wonder how it resolved anything but it was just dropping out with name resolution issues intermittently.
On the blue light issue I was asked to re-seat the Sim which I did, the light is still blue but the router states I am on a 4G network and I am getting 4G speeds but the blue light indicates it is 3G, which is somewhat confusing me. As I am no longer dropping out with the DNS issues, and the speed is sufficient (better than my ISP who shall remain nameless), I am currently not worried. I am attaching images but the contrast on the device colours may not show the difference between blue and green, but signal is blue other three are green, with the lan port flashing. I also attach an image of the router landing page.
Thanks for replying.
17-08-2020 11:54 AM
Thanks for updating us @RitaT! Great to hear you were able to get things sorted and that you're loving our speedy network 😊
The blue signal light you're seeing would suggest by connecting fewer devices to the Gigacube your speeds may improve for you. If you only have the devices you need connected at the time being, this shouldn't cause you any issues. Of course, if anything changes with your speeds or connection let us know and we'll be happy to help 👍
17-08-2020 12:00 PM
I only have one device connected using wifi, my laptop, and one device using ethernet, a NAS, all other devices are using my other ISP. The blue light indicates 3G not 4G which is a network limitation not related to connected devices. The issue I have is that the router is showing 4G, yet the device is showing 3G, so it is not clear which network I am using.
19-08-2020 05:29 PM
21-08-2020 01:14 PM
Despite changing to Google DNS and then trying CloudFlare I still get DNS issues where it periodically is unable to resolve a site address, and usually a site I have hit on a number of occasions,. I tested with different browsers and cleared the cache etc, then tested on my Samsung Phone and when this happens on my laptop I get the same experience on my phone. Rebooting the router works for a while then it drops again. I have full strength on my signal, and a ping test to the DNS IP works fine from the router. Is there a known issue and will there be a fix for this please?
25-08-2020 11:58 AM
Oh no! Sorry to hear the issue has arose again @RitaT - just to clarify, the DNS issues you are having is this just with one specific site?
I would advise, if you haven't already, to follow the link @MarkD gave above and drop us a DM on social media - make sure to include screenshots of any errors you are getting as they haven't shown up this thread 👍