29-08-2021 04:17 PM
Honestly becoming a bit of a joke at this point. I don't know what to do because every time I try and contact support something else happens.
*Started with superfast 2 broadband
Due to the nature of the install I had to get freeholder position so I contacted vodafone on two occasions to explain the procedure to pass it onto the estate agent.
Both claimed everything was already installed and the engineer wouldn't need to do anything to the outside.
Clearly not the case. 2 week wait time, activation date missed due to permissions unfortunately permissions rejected after cityfibre turnedup
Spoke to a helpful Parnav who explained what I would need to do (Cancel existing line, switch to an FTTC superfast package and find out existing supplier as internet was working in the existing line)
Discovered Vodafone was the current provider.
The cancelation.
Called up, ended up with mobile broadband cancellation because your automated system is horrendous.
Lady wanted to pass me onto homebroadband after passing security.
Couldn't pass security as not enough questions to ask on the system, advised I visit a vodafone shop to reset my pin ( which i already knew and had not been asked so how on earth was that going to help?)
Called up 5minutes later, cancelled my plan and was told to call up the next day to setup a newline.
*Setting up the new line
Via live chat and 2.5 hours of my time finally managed to setup a new line for 10th september or so I thought.
No confirmation email despite inputting my bank details into the chat.
I decided to ring to check if it had been authorised half a day later.
Lady on the phone declared that vodafone do not supply to my area, followed by passing me to a colleague that also declared vodafone do not supply to my area. After slowly explaining the situation, I got to a helpful gentlemen that set me up with superfast 2 with an activation date of 14th September. Confirmation email woo!
Disappointed in such a long wait but it's over yay!.
Or so I thought, a few hours ago I recieved an email messaging me about my homebroadband install on the 9TH of September, fibre to the home. With a completely different account number.
So I decide to call up, get wound up once more by the automated system and pass security.
To find out that I have a THIRD ACCOUNT NUMBER, seperate to the email i've recieved.
Not just that but I have two lines to be installed to the same address on my main broadband account, the superfast 2 I'm expecting and a gigifast?
I also have a gigifast magically appear on my voxi account.
Both gigis are cancelled but the third account number is still not sorted.
I'm sorry but how on earth has this happened? I could understand if I had two superfasts as I did the order twice and only had one confirmation but three seperate account numbers, two gigifasts, a superfast and god knows what the third account is, I can understand why I have two numbers(Broadband and Voxi but three?)
Honestly on the verge of cancelling at this point, I've been extremely polite and patient the entire time on livechat/phone and this is the service I'm signing upto for 24months?
29-08-2021 06:29 PM
@Stactix wrote:*Started with superfast 2 broadband
Due to the nature of the install I had to get freeholder position so I contacted vodafone on two occasions to explain the procedure to pass it onto the estate agent.
Both claimed everything was already installed and the engineer wouldn't need to do anything to the outside.
Clearly not the case. 2 week wait time, activation date missed due to permissions unfortunately permissions rejected after cityfibre turnedup
If you were ordering Superfast (not Superfast 100) that would be true, and if there was already broadband (either FTTC or ADSL) you would need no extra permissions.
The fact that CityFibre turned up means that your order was for Superfast 100 or Gigafast (both FTTP)
Spoke to a helpful Parnav who explained what I would need to do (Cancel existing line, switch to an FTTC superfast package and find out existing supplier as internet was working in the existing line)
Discovered Vodafone was the current provider.
Are you saying there was broadband at the property already, but you were unaware of who was providing it? Had you been using it up to this point?
The cancelation.
Called up, ended up with mobile broadband cancellation because your automated system is horrendous.
Lady wanted to pass me onto homebroadband after passing security.
Couldn't pass security as not enough questions to ask on the system, advised I visit a vodafone shop to reset my pin ( which i already knew and had not been asked so how on earth was that going to help?)
Called up 5minutes later, cancelled my plan and was told to call up the next day to setup a newline.
*Setting up the new line
Via live chat and 2.5 hours of my time finally managed to setup a new line for 10th september or so I thought.
No confirmation email despite inputting my bank details into the chat.
I decided to ring to check if it had been authorised half a day later.
Lady on the phone declared that vodafone do not supply to my area, followed by passing me to a colleague that also declared vodafone do not supply to my area. After slowly explaining the situation, I got to a helpful gentlemen that set me up with superfast 2 with an activation date of 14th September. Confirmation email woo!
Disappointed in such a long wait but it's over yay!.
Or so I thought, a few hours ago I recieved an email messaging me about my homebroadband install on the 9TH of September, fibre to the home. With a completely different account number.
So I decide to call up, get wound up once more by the automated system and pass security.
To find out that I have a THIRD ACCOUNT NUMBER, seperate to the email i've recieved.
Not just that but I have two lines to be installed to the same address on my main broadband account, the superfast 2 I'm expecting and a gigifast?
I also have a gigifast magically appear on my voxi account.
Both gigis are cancelled but the third account number is still not sorted.
I'm sorry but how on earth has this happened? I could understand if I had two superfasts as I did the order twice and only had one confirmation but three seperate account numbers, two gigifasts, a superfast and god knows what the third account is, I can understand why I have two numbers(Broadband and Voxi but three?)
Honestly on the verge of cancelling at this point, I've been extremely polite and patient the entire time on livechat/phone and this is the service I'm signing upto for 24months?
You have obviously had a terrible time, but it sounds like certain assumptions were made which caused the confusion.
If, as I suspect, you were trying to upgrade from ADSL to FTTC you should have been able to order Superfast and Vodafone should have handled it all as both the gaining and losing supplier.
I wonder if part of the problem could be that Vodafone (stupidly in my opinion) call their bottom tier of FTTP Superfast 100. I always thought that would cause problems.
Hope it is all sorted out for you soon.
29-08-2021 07:59 PM
Hi, no I purchased superfast 2.
Which would of involved installing fibre to the house according to cityfibre
We're new tenants, I plugged the router in once that arrived to the existing openreach line (vdsl)
On the night before activation internet went live though wasn't great.
cityfibre then turned up the following day intending to install a fibreline and had to apologise and say we hadn't had permission.
Until speaking to livechat I didn't realise the internet shouldn't of gone live and it only did due to the previous tenants not cancelling their vodafone contract (router activating provided internet)
Honestly very frustrated, not just due to the incompetence and misdirection. It's the fact that I have had two seperate accounts setup with GIGIFAST 900 without my permission, consent or any confirmation email that's over £120 amonth and had to of been caused by a minimum of two seperate advisors.
This is not even considering the email that allowed me to realise this, which is a third seperate account which I've yet to get to the bottom of and is apparently providing me with 82mb downloadul/upload which I highly doubt!
So intotal, across 3 seperate account numbers I have 4 packages for the same address at £163 a month.
29-08-2021 11:34 PM
@Stactix wrote:Hi, no I purchased superfast 2.
Which would of involved installing fibre to the house according to cityfibre
We're new tenants, I plugged the router in once that arrived to the existing openreach line (vdsl)
On the night before activation internet went live though wasn't great.
Superfast 2 is FTTC and would be provided via the existing Openreach connection, CityFibre shouldn't have been involved at all and there may not have been any need for a engineer to visit at all
Until speaking to livechat I didn't realise the internet shouldn't of gone live and it only did due to the previous tenants not cancelling their vodafone contract (router activating provided internet)
I did wonder if you were using a previous tenant's connection.
You have to wonder how they can possibly take 3 orders on the same address without the system flagging it up.
You can see what BT/Openreach think your line is capable of here: BT Broadband (
30-08-2021 09:29 AM
Thanks for getting back to me, that probably explains the mixup with the first two agents regarding the line.
Though I did speak to a couple of livechat agents one who basically said I couldn't have superfast 2 without a fibre line to the home! Haha.
Think I've established the voxi package came from the 2.5 hour long new line livechat ordeal but I have the chat logs and the lady even corrects me on pricing and mentions multiple times the superfast 2 so how a gigifast ended up on the account!
The third account and how I had two packages on the main broadband account is the biggest confusion