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Cancelling my Contract

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I am at the point of cancelling my contract with Vodafone due to the continuing problems I am having with my service. On 30th October 2022 I contacted Customer Services as I had no access to my Data Allowance. I was initially told it was an issue with the service in the area I was and to try again when I returned home. On returning home I received a phone call from the same advisor telling me it was an issue with my plan and he would have to unlink my Apple Watch and re-set my data allowance, as for some reason it had not renewed. He also said some of the issues with the data may be due to an update to the IOS system on my iPhone.
After updating my phone and waiting several hours, the situation was not resolved so I contacted Vodafone again. On this occasion I was accused of having used my entire data allowance and that was why I could not use any data! I disputed this and the advisor was forced to apologise as following checks, she saw that the issue was down to technical problems. Since that phone call I have been told countless times the matter would be resolved but it hasn’t.  As of today, I have been told that the original request has been cancelled as it was ‘stuck in an open status’ and a new request has been opened which can take up-to another 5 working days!

This means that I have been without my data allowance since the 30th October and no service at all on my Apple Watch, both of which I have continued to pay for.  Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know where I can find a copy of my contract terms so I can look at cancelling it as cannot find it on the App or my online account?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @srm428 - I'm really sorry to hear you're having these ongoing issues and you're now thinking of leaving us due to this. I know it's important to stay connected and how frustrating it must be not to be able to access your data allowance. 

I think the best thing for us to would be to check your account to see what's going on with your plan and we can of course look at refunding any applicable line rental for the time you were without this service. 

Please pop my team a message via social media and if you include a link to your original post, you won't need to explain things again 🙂