I was gutted, despite of Good Credit score, Vodafone rejected, not sure how many customers suffering
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23-08-2016 10:39 PM
3 days I ordered for my new Samsung Note 7, Carphonewarehouse asked me to call Vodafone, they didn't tell what exactly, but they gave some special no, not regular customer service, they didn't give any reference, I called to Vodafone, one person casually asked 4 question
1)during 2001 which Bank acct you opened? I said bank name -that's correct
2)During 2009 you applied for some credit card, he asked me to name it
I mentioned clearly, howcan customers can remember almost 7 years back credit card application?
he said, ok, I'll list 4 names, and choose correct one,
He gave me 4, for me I've 2-3 credit cards out of 4 he mentioned, and Egg credit card merged with Barclays, So I just picked Barclays,
and he asked howmuch credit limit on those 2 cards, I just mentioned roughly, those are vague questions, I gave vaguely but correct approx. 5k, 3.5k,
and that's it, I asked whether i answered correctly, he didn't say one word, call ended, after 30mins, when I called to Carphone warehouse, they said, they'll let you know by mail, I've received Decline message and also immediately CPW cancelled my Order.
Despite of 999 credit score, Vodafone simply rejected based on their evaluation and definitely its not experian credit score. It's surprises me,
On what basis they will reject, I called 3 times, all 3 times, I've got 3 different answers, one person suggested me that my wife has to call, I was surprise how they know that My wife filling new phone application ( I was sitting beside while filling), there is no proper answer.
Finally one of Voafone person mentioned, I can't reapply for phone, i've to wait for 3 more months, thats ridiculous, not sure howmany genuine customers Vodafone is loosing, It's Vodafone has to clearly mentioned what's their policy. I was more worried about credit decline remark rather than phone. Now I'm buying phone directly from Samsung instead of depending on these Mobile networks and their own cooked credit policy rejections.
How can any one can remember 20 or 30 years of credit history events.
Vodafone person never warned me before starting his questions that if I fail to answer, they're going to decline and I can't reapply for 3 more months?
My questions are
1)how can I appeal this ridiculous Decline?
2)How long I've to wait for updating this decline into credit file, and then 3)whom I've to call? I think Vodafone should open some Help guide about to clarify all these things.
4)How to avoid this types of Declines? Vodafone should pulicize their decline policy, so that customers can be maintain safe distance before ordering through vodafone.
5)HOw to find the reason of Decline? if experian failed to mention in Credit file? how to appeal ? whom to appeal ? vodafone or experian
6)Why Vodafone mercilessly Declining, instead of they should create some tool before applying, customers can check their eligibility, instead of corrupting their vaulable credit histories, these all should be answered correctly by Vodafone, otherwise its going to be bad remark from Vodafone end.
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24-08-2016 09:19 PM
Agree, every one has their own version, let's discuss every one's opinion, people can't be mute, let every one allowed to be express, atleast people will realize, what's going on in the name of barbaric Credit checks, simply ignoring genuine customers or they selectively choosing customers in the name of Credit check criteria.
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24-08-2016 11:02 PM
@ganymide wrote:atleast people will realize, what's going on in the name of barbaric Credit checks, simply ignoring genuine customers or they selectively choosing customers in the name of Credit check criteria.
Let's clear a few things up. When you apply for credit, there are typically 2 sides to the application. There is the search of your credit file which will give the creditor some idea of how you have historically paid. The second part is the company checking to see if you meet their criteria for lending. They may also perform additional security or ID checks whilst doing this. Combined, these 2 factors give you the application decision - yes or no.
If they aren't happy with something or details don't quite tie up, they can sometimes conduct additional screening (it sounds like this happened to you). If they aren't 100% happy with your responses, they can and will decline your application.
You cannot force a particular creditor to give you credit. If they decline, that is their right/choice and usually is because something doesn't tie up. Its not barbabric, although I would agree that being declined for credit is frustrating.
Just because you have a good credit score, it is only an indication of the likelihood that a company will give you credit, it isn't a guarantee that you will be accepted / meet the company's criteria for credit.
The best things you can do are:
- Double check your credit file and make sure everything is 100% accurate. Any inaccuracies could result in you being declined.
- Wait 3 months and then try again. Don't take out any new credit in this period as it could raise concerns with the creditor.
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25-08-2016 05:17 PM
What you mentioned fully Agree, only I stress about revamping whole Credit checks for atleast lower tariff Mobile Phone Contracts, they should develop simulating tool to find out howmuch customer can be allowed to give Credit or put into certain affordability group rather than simply putting remark in to Customers Credit file by Decline, and rudely saying wait for 90 days to buy or try any thing again.
Only Mortgage, or Credit card companies should be allowed for Decline but they should not allowed for few hundred Pounds Mobile Phone contracts, On top of that Customer can't buy or check any other Mobile ph. products until 90 days (ofcourse they can, but they become paranoid to not to try for other products) and also one Decline may force customers not to try for any other Credit check based products. Customer keep scolding that failed credit check company for repenting to deal wit them till they relived finding their next ideal one, this may take time, this will put bad taste in Customers mind.
Finally Customer will become severely frustrated, its indirectly damaging Company's reputation in customer's mind because of their non transparent their own Criteria based credit verification. He may never go back into dealing with that company and their partner companies like Carphonewarehouse in this scenario. If this is the situation I would recommend better to buy Phones SIM free instead of trusting Vodafone or other companies credit checks and buy Pay G sim's from some what Credit check friendly 3rd party Mobile ph. vendors like Tesco, ID, giffgaff etc., This like indirectly removing buying option from Customers, especially new products like Samsung Note 7 and Vodafone or other companies are taking control of what Customers are allowed to buy or not, this is ridiculous. And asking customers to try after 90 days means, Customer will definitely loose interest, he may not buy at all, its loosing revenue overall industry.
It's indirectly Vodafone loosing their revenue and they're forcing customers to buy directly from Samsung, Apple and other vendors. They shoud think about why should they mindlessly throwing away in the name of Credit checks for few hundred pounds.
Instead of wasting billions of pounds on R & D, Advertisement, marketing, they should look into howmany customers they're loosing through Credit checks and why can't they review their own credit criteria, missed customers has real potential to pay back or are they filtering wrongly through their criteria based checks?, why can't they direct to some what near
to their missed packages, contracts or with some added tariff's whether they can eligible to buy the previously missed contracts,
instead of trying all these above options, they're simply rudely failing Customers credit checks by Declining (Indirectly with their own Criteria rules, rather than Customers credit rating) by saying try after 90 days. It looks like their own non transparent Criteria is, if customer previously with some other cheaper Mobile contracts options, simply they filter out, because they are not going to get any revenue from those customers.
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26-08-2016 09:56 AM - edited 26-08-2016 10:24 AM
@ganymide wrote:they should develop simulating tool to find out howmuch customer can be allowed to give Credit
How would that help? It wouldn't guarantee that you'd pass the credit checks - it would just give the likelihood of you being accepted. It is no different from your credit file - it gives a likelihood of being accepted but not a guarantee so there really isn't much point of it being developed when there is already something that gives you some sort of idea whether you'll be accepted or not.
@ganymide wrote:Only Mortgage, or Credit card companies should be allowed for Decline but they should not allowed for few hundred Pounds Mobile Phone contracts,
Why? Every company has they right to refuse credit. What you are saying here isn't good business sense - you are wanting to force companies to give credit. No company should be forced to give credit particularly if they deem you to be a risk based on their own criteria.
@ganymide wrote:It's indirectly Vodafone loosing their revenue and they're forcing customers to buy directly from Samsung, Apple and other vendors. They shoud think about why should they mindlessly throwing away in the name of Credit checks for few hundred pounds.
It may be losing them revenue but it is more than likely saving them money. By reducing the risk of defaults through thorough credit checking, it would actually be saving the company thousands of pounds a year. Bad debts costs UK companies billions of pounds each year so they have every right to be cautious. You seem to be quite happy to propose changes that will significantly push this figure up.
Reading through your reponses, I am really not sure that you understand the point of credit checks and how very important they are to companies and the impact on the company if they get the credit check wrong and give credit to the wrong person. If someone defaults, and the debt has to be passed on to the debt collection agency, the company will not get the full outstanding amount back. They will be lucky to break even but are more likely to run at a loss. Continual losses put companies out of business or can drastically affect expansion or improvement due to the lack of capital.
I am sorry that this isn't what you want to hear but you're basically going to have to wait 90 days and try and apply again. That is the best advice anyone can give you.
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26-08-2016 09:31 PM
@ganymide wrote:they should develop simulating tool to find out howmuch customer can be allowed to give Credit
Your Answer:
How would that help? It wouldn't guarantee that you'd pass the credit checks - it would just give the likelihood of you being accepted. It is no different from your credit file - it gives a likelihood of being accepted but not a guarantee so there really isn't much point of it being developed when there is already something that gives you some sort of idea whether you'll be accepted or not.
Ans:That's not correct, that tool not only give the likelihood of customer being accepted or not, and also it can avoid Credit application submission errors, for example
well known credit decline issues like
Credit verification simulating tool can give idea to the Customer about
common or simple issues like below some of the can cause failing the credit checks
1)Not registered to vote
2)Too many credit applications by verifying recently done attempts
3)Too much debt by verifying recently taken credits
4)Administration or Data entry or typo errors, - wrong credit or debit card, personnel or business acct etc.,
5) Not matching the lender's profile,
Instead of getting Decline remark in Credit profile, its better Customer should know whether their application going to be successful or not before going for actual check. This Online tool may give the idea about Lender's specific Criteria, by verifying all are correct, if correct and pplication is failing, customer no need to go for Credit check.
Online tool may not give accurate result, but customer will know the approx result by criteria based point systems.
@ganymide wrote:Only Mortgage, or Credit card companies should be allowed for Decline but they should not allowed for few hundred Pounds Mobile Phone contracts,
Your Answer:
Why? Every company has they right to refuse credit. What you are saying here isn't good business sense - you are wanting to force companies to give credit. No company should be forced to give credit particularly if they deem you to be a risk based on their own criteria.
ganymide Ans: What I mentioned for people complained about, they were rejected even for £3 to £5 Pay as you Go Sim, Customer can pay for whole year SIM fee instead of getting their credit check Decline.
If people has Surplus Mortgage and good credit rating, no one expects, they are adamant to destroy their credit profile by not paying mobile ph. bills.
Mobile phones Call usage during last decade went to thousands of pounds so Mobile co's should be cautious about their lending, now most of the Mobile co's offering unlimited usage, auto cutoff billing, barring international no's, if they're heavy usage International calls. just for 1-2 month, no one ready to loose their credit rating.
Ofcourse technically i may be wrong,if we calculate hundreds or thousands of customers of this type.
@ganymide wrote:It's indirectly Vodafone loosing their revenue and they're forcing customers to buy directly from Samsung, Apple and other vendors. They shoud think about why should they mindlessly throwing away in the name of Credit checks for few hundred pounds.
Your response: It may be losing them revenue but it is more than likely saving them money. By reducing the risk of defaults through thorough credit checking, it would actually be saving the company thousands of pounds a year. Bad debts costs UK companies billions of pounds each year so they have every right to be cautious. You seem to be quite happy to propose changes that will significantly push this figure up.
Ans: Only Vodafone can give this answer based on their statistical data, what I'm quoting in the layman terms.
Billions of pounds companies are loosing, prob. not Mobile Co's, it's combined debt figure, statistical data only can prove correct or not.
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26-08-2016 10:01 PM
@ganymide wrote:Ans:That's not correct, that tool not only give the likelihood of customer being accepted or not, and also it can avoid Credit application submission errors, for example
well known credit decline issues like
Credit verification simulating tool can give idea to the Customer about
common or simple issues like below some of the can cause failing the credit checks
1)Not registered to vote
2)Too many credit applications by verifying recently done attempts
3)Too much debt by verifying recently taken credits
4)Administration or Data entry or typo errors, - wrong credit or debit card, personnel or business acct etc.,
5) Not matching the lender's profile,Instead of getting Decline remark in Credit profile, its better Customer should know whether their application going to be successful or not before going for actual check. This Online tool may give the idea about Lender's specific Criteria, by verifying all are correct, if correct and pplication is failing, customer no need to go for Credit check.
Online tool may not give accurate result, but customer will know the approx result by criteria based point systems.
All that info is on your credit file and if you spend a bit of time going through your file you can easily pick up the sort of issues. The onus is on the individual to do this and not a company to spend time creating a tool. What you are asking for is to be credit checked and know the outcome and not actually have to go through the credit check. Again, that is not how things work and it isn't likely to happen. Soft checks do exist already for Mortgage applications but they still aren't a guarantee that you'll be accepted once the actual credit check is run.
@ganymide wrote:they were rejected even for £3 to £5 Pay as you Go Sim, Customer can pay for whole year SIM fee instead of getting their credit check Decline.
Whoever told you that is talking nonsense. You cannot get rejected for a PAYG SIM, simply because there is no credit check done when you get a PAYG SIM - anyone can just buy one and they don't even have to give any personal information.
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05-12-2018 11:04 AM
This ridiculous practice is still going on.My wife and I have both been caught up with it this last week. Vodafone need to be a lot more upfront about this. They are going to lose both myself and wife as customers as a result. Where is the sense in that Vodafone?
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05-12-2018 11:22 AM - edited 06-12-2018 04:09 PM
There seem to have been some issues with the system that interfaces between CPW and Vodafone - this has happened before. Hang on for the forum team to pick this up as it's a known problem and, if this is what you're caught up in, they should be able to help.
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06-12-2018 01:33 PM
@wallae - I’m sorry to hear the issues you’ve both faced with the credit result. We can check this from our side. Please send us your details by following the instructions in this private message.
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06-01-2024 11:16 AM
Despite having an excellent credit rating, (I've checked!) I have failed the Vodaphone Credit Check when applying for Social Tariff. Why? the company is a risk for all of £12 per month on a rolling 30 day contract.
In my opinion, there should not be a credit check done on these type of contracts given that they are designed to help the less well off.
Or are Vodaphone declining customers just because it suits them!

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