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One number doesn’t work on Apple Watch.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I haven’t been able to get one number to Work for the longest time.  When I go into my account, it says zero of three connections in use but when I try to add one it says I have too many connections and I have to delete one, which of course doesn’t exist. I’m sick of calling customer services, spending hours on the phone with no resolution.  This is a service that I am entitled to and unable to get :Sad_face:

I have tried multiple resets of phone and watch wasted hours looking at an Apple logo et cetera and nothing has changed.I have tried multiple resets of phone and watch wasted hours looking at an Apple logo et cetera and nothing has changed.

Does anybody have any ideas on how this can be resolved?








Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Enzuigiri - thanks for reaching out to us here. I can understand how frustrating this must be, with how much time you've spent trying to get it working. I'd like us to check the set up from our side and then take some examples from you of the set up on your phone. So that we can access your account, please get in touch with us on Social Media. 

4: Newbie

Kind of the same problem.  Been trying for days.  Many calls to 191 just go nowhere.  The Social Media people said someone has set something up, may take 72 hours to be active.  After 48 hours nothing has happened.  I can see a cancelled order on my account from 2 days ago, which sort of implies that I will have been instructed to wait 3 days for no reason.
The system is, basically, broken.  Impossible to speak to anyone who knows how to actually sort things out.  
Vodafone is fine, but when something doesn't work, it is virtually impossible to get sorted.  Endless going round in circles.  The call centre audio quality is horrible, lots of noise and hard to understand accents.
Guess it will back onto the phone again tomorrow to be bounced around between call handlers again.