NAT type 3 whilst tethering PS4, how can I fix this?
Never had this problem until I switched to Vodafone yesterday on PayM contract, please help.
Never had this problem until I switched to Vodafone yesterday on PayM contract, please help.
Hello, it’s not been that long i would say a few months but ever since getting my new number i have lost a lot of previous data from my old number. How can i retrieve my old number. It is registered on my phone as a “trusted number” hence i still hav...
It is not possible for me to open all of the consumer advice centers' websites via my WiFi - regardless of which browser I use. Using another provider's mobile internet, I can open all of the consumer advice center's websites.Is this the case with ot...
Hi, I have an iPhone 14 pro, and a Vodafone contract. I need to add an e-sim for work (EE) but there is no option for me in the phone settings. It looks like Vodafone allow this, so it must be a problem my side. Any suggestions please? For Info:I do ...
So I ordered a iPhone 16 Pro to replace my iPhone 12 Pro. I chose eSIM when ordering, when my new phone was passed to DPD my eSIM was triggered and physical sim deactivated. I received my phone 2 days later (my old sim is still dead) hoping to switch...
Hi there,I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max, however whenever a caller is diverted to voicemail, they are hearing an old personal greeting.I have deleted my current personal greeting as well as my name greeting and also dialled 1210 to deactivate voicemail ...
Hello, Please check the attachment for your reference as on Vodafone network only my Website is not opening. Say may steal personal and financial information. Here is the website Address : resolve this ASAP...
Hello, I bought my son a cellular Apple Watch because I need to contact him after school but I don’t want him to have his own mobile phone yet.I have my own Apple Watch set up on my phone. I was told I could set his new watch up on my phone with Appl...
Hi, I recently ported my number back to Vodafone with new contract - iPhone 16 Pro. I can send and receive iMessage with other contacts with no problem except my daughter. She has an iPhone 13 and is also on Vodafone. We keep having to send as text m...
So had iPhone 11 but was on Sim only. However, the 11 decided to fail and new phone required. Due to reasons various my father pays for the contract. I had had to resort to using a nokia brick for a couple of days so I wasn’t without a phone, I have ...