As far as I remember my contract will end soon. I do not want to extend it any longer, as the service is extremely poor in my area. (For example it has taken 20 min. to open this very website). What should I do, what are requirements, what to do with a dongle and my sim and all package?
In the absence of any official advice, the following usually works with all broadband contracts with any ISP...
Call Help Desk (191) now and find out when the contract finishes and find out when you need to give notice to quit. Get the name of the operator "in case there's a problem" and write it down with the time and date of the call. This is always a good precaution with all telephone calls of this nature and they will not be offended.
At the allotted time call Help Desk again and give formal notice to quit. Again get the name of the operator and write it down with the time and date of the call. Tell them you will cancel the direct debit as soon as the last payment has been made, (or it may have just been made) and ask is that OK. Assuming there's no problem, cancel the DD when you know the last payment has gone from your bank, and you will usually have the service for another month (assuming you pay in advance of each month).
The dongle should be your property at that point. After a suitable period of mourning most people put the dongle on Ebay. Alternatively keep it as a spare and unlock it using one of the Ebay unlocking code providers. The SIM is useless.