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K3565 Dongle..Everlasting Credit

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I have been using for years now a K3565 dongle, I purchased it new with 1Gb of credit which was i thought everlsting. (IE would not expire after 30 days ). I use it very occasionaly when on holiday usually. The credit has fallen below £10 and is therefore unable to connect until I add more credit  (another con ). This morning I phoned the automated service to top up. BUT a message says that the credit will only last 30 days. I have used the service for years...has this service now been discontinued ?. Or in the past will this top up not expire. Does anybody know please.




Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @Badger,


This changed quite some time ago. Your allowance will last for 30 days. 


After this time, you'll need to purchase another data pack. 





Thank you for your reply. Perhaps you could ask someone to contact me, so that I can get my £10 credi back .



Thanks for your reply Badger although I was not expecting one 


But in answer to your question all I can tell you is to contact vodafone customer services on 191 from your vodafone mobile handset or 08700700191 from any other mobile or landline phone to get your credit back so apart from you doing that I do not know how else I can help you?



4: Newbie

Yes Badger


I know all about it because when I first purchased a USB dongle to be used on vodafones mobile broadband it was like yours a prepay (pay as you go) package that I could use with 1GB of data but then vodafone had the bright idea of changing this to a 30 day pack (offering 3GB but still on a 30 day pack) that was still supposed to still be pay as you go but did not suit me at all as I thought their change was stupid because with pay as you go you would expect to be able to use it if and when you needed and not be tied to 30 days which is why I moved to contract from  pay as you go but this must have been at least 5 years ago because last year about March I moved back again from contract to pay as you go as I was not using contract often enough to stay on it but the pay as you go package I have now is just like it was before meaning  I am no longer tied to 30 days unless I buy a pack that I already know beforehand that it will expire in 30 days



11: Established
11: Established

EDIT - this is a response to Badger's opening post.



Looks like you haven't used your dongle for a considerable time - the change was effected 15 months ago. There was EXTENSIVE discuss elsewhere on this forum notably - but Vodafone in their infinite wisdom appear to have deleted this topic which ran to over 20 pages!


Do a search on K3565 to see some other satellite topics concerning this, but otherwise you best bet is to phone the Vodafone Newbury number (*) rather than the ones suggested above. Submit a formal complaint about the total change to the service, and point out that it no longer suits your needs. At that point I was actually offered a refund of my outstanding credit by Vodafone without having to ask for one - though it did take the best part of a month and a further phone call to realise it.


I have now taken out a contract with another mobile phone provider giving 500 minutes, 5000 texts and 1GB data per month - and can use my data in tethering mode for up to 8 devices. Far better than a dedicated mobile broadband dongle...



* - I won't give it here since when people publish it the moderators usually delete it. It's simple to find by Googling.

DRJ I think there has been a little misunderstanding unless your post was meant for the previous poster called Badger (if that is his or her real name?) because I am and have been using a vodafone USB dongle K3765 for five or six years although I have only been using it with a pay as you go SIM card since about March last year but the very last time I used it was the seventh of January this year and although I would have prefered for vodafone to have stayed with 25 Megabytes per pound instead of what they have now which is two pound for 50 Megabytes a day and 10 pence for 1 Megabyte after that unless of course I buy a 30 day pack I am quite happy with the service they provide especially since I only use it once or twice a month which is why I moved from contract in the first place.



11: Established
11: Established

Sorry - but I thought it was obvious I was replying to him by the wording in my opening remark...


I was reponding to Badger's initial posting and pressed the "Reply" button on that posting. The response was acknowledged as being written as being to that posting but this stupid forum software doesn't indicate that fact once posted neither is it possible to quote.



Not applicable
