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Keep old number, new sim deal

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I got a new SIM only deal with Vodafone due to no better upgrade deals. I terminated my contract 1 month early so I could keep my old number. This should have been a straight forward process. I got the SIM on 21st July. I asked for SIM swap the next day. I am still waiting for my number to be transferred. My old contract has been cancelled as have lost the signal and unable to contact the number. It's been 2 days now where I am number less and am still being charged for using both contracts. I am close to leaving Vodafone as this has caused me endless stress and money costs.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @Rufus1986


I hope this can be sorted for you and the number isn't quarantined. 

My choice would have been to change the PAY monthly contract onto a payg contract which takes 30 days. 

And then when it had switched to payg then ask Vodafone to move your number onto the new contract you've taken out. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Thank you.


I tried to do this but apparently it wasn't possible.  I enquired about this 1 month ago when I got my upgrade notice. 

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm not sure why you did that.   If you want to switch to SIM-only, all you need is to do it like any other upgrade (I have).   You keep your service, SIM and number.  The only thing that changes is the bill.

I fear that you have indeed lost your number.   It used not to be possible to PAC from PAYM to PAYM and, as @BandOfBrothers said, you would need to go via PAYG.   There was a suggestion that direct transfer would be possible on the new billing system, but I'm not sure whether it actually is.

Hang on for the forum team, who'll be able to help sort your contract out and also retrieve your old number if that's possible.

When I asked to do this to one of Vodafone agents they said I couldn't do it until September when my contract ended. And then I was told I could link a new SIM to my account to swap SIM but they messed that bit up so it looks like 2 accounts 2 sims

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I certainly would agree with @hrym suggestion to wait until the Vodafone Social Media Team here bring you in with a Pm on this. 


Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@Rufus1986 wrote:

When I asked to do this to one of Vodafone agents they said I couldn't do it until September when my contract ended. And then I was told I could link a new SIM to my account to swap SIM but they messed that bit up so it looks like 2 accounts 2 sims

That sounds likely.   Although you can upgrade a contract (ie spend more) before it ends, you can't downgrade (spend less).   However, there is an early upgrade option, available (I think) 3 months before the main term ends.  Whether this applies to going down to SIM-only, I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it isn't.   I think you've been sold a second line, but why the old one has terminated, I'm not sure, unless it was indeed processed as an early termination (in which case, you should be getting a final bill shortly).   The thing is, you don't need to swap the SIM to go SIM-only, so, assuming you've understood correctly, that sounds like mis-selling or poor advice.

Thank you. That clears things up. But I think I've been misinformed when I asked to upgrade only. I asked for a SIM only deal or go pay as you go if that was possible. But I either had to wait until September or terminate contract to keep number. I explained I wanted to stay with Vodafone but they didn't have a contract deal I wanted but there was a SIM deal I'd go for..but they couldn't do it as an upgrade so suggested I terminate and get new SIM.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I have swapped from a contract that included a phone to a lower cost sim only contract at the early upgrade date (as opposed to the end of the contract) on more than one occasion so it's definitely possible. i did this twice last year.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@Rufus1986 wrote:

Thank you. That clears things up. But I think I've been misinformed when I asked to upgrade only. I asked for a SIM only deal or go pay as you go if that was possible. But I either had to wait until September or terminate contract to keep number. I explained I wanted to stay with Vodafone but they didn't have a contract deal I wanted but there was a SIM deal I'd go for..but they couldn't do it as an upgrade so suggested I terminate and get new SIM.

In that case, you've terminated your existing contract and started a new one, which will have a new number.  If the old one is still active, and hasn't in fact been cancelled, you may be able to cancel the new one within the cooling-off period and then transfer to SIM-only when the original has run its full term.  It does sound as though the terminate/transfer process may not have been fully explained, however.  It's not simple.