15-04-2010 09:37 PM
15-04-2010 11:24 PM
16-04-2010 09:11 AM
16-04-2010 08:29 PM
17-04-2010 03:04 PM
06-05-2010 10:47 PM
12-06-2010 12:40 PM
Hi i'm using ubuntu 9.10 with a K3565 - rev 2 USB modem stick 1GB = £15
it works right out of the box, which is great.
my question is now can i get more credit? or check how much credit i have?
is it possible to top up over the phone?
i have set up an account at and am trying to register for pay as you talk services online, however, i am asked for my vodafone phone number.
how do i find out what this is?
well, thanks in advance for any help
20-06-2010 01:45 AM
Hi Jonathan,
I have a K3565 rev 2 Dongle too but running Ubuntu 10.04. Sadly it didn't work out of the box and I needed to fiddle with the settings. Would you be able to confirm the following settings are correct from your own configuration ?
username : web
password : web
APN : ppbundle.internet
thanks 🙂