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My Vodaphone Contract

3: Seeker
3: Seeker


Hi all I have spoken with vodaphone customer service who have tried to help me but with no avail.

When I took out my original 24 month contract out I was sent an email (extract below)


Account number:
Mobile number:
Contract start: 18-Dec-14
Minimum commitment end: 17-Dec-16
UK minutes: 600
UK data: 1GB


then goes on to say


Your Plan


Monthly line rental










I think the your plan bit referes to the period when I got the 45% discount as I recall my bill increased after this date.


My question is what was my contract period please?


This is all about when the warranty expired on my phone Oct or Dec?


Manny thanks




17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



In regards to manufacturing warranty if the phone was supplied by Vodafone U.K. Then its 24 months from receiving it. 


The exception is the iPhone which is 12 months. 


If my device is out of warranty, what are my rights as a consumer ?

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Hi, thanks for taking the time and the info is useful

I guess I take the phone in store and they send it off?


They tell me the contract is between the October dates stated so what do the december dates mean?

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm not sure. 


Customer Service on 191 is the option I'd use to officially clarify. 


There are two notable dates on a Monthly Contract. 


An early upgrade date. 


The contract end date. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



my clever wife has just found the original paperwork

It statesthe invoice date for the phone is Oct 2014


Another piece of paper from when I sent if for repair states date of purchase December 2014


This is blowing my mind!!!

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion
Hi. In the past I have had the same sort of thing on my account. Using your dates the first contract would have been December to December, the early upgrade date would be October with a 24 months discount to the October, your contract then reverts to full price until the minimum term date in the December. When you upgrade early the extra months are added to your 24 month contract.

I hope this makes sense.

Hi CC, that does kind of make sense thank you.


The only thing is I didn't upgrade but went on to a Vodaphone SIM only deal when the discount was no longer applied.


IMO the warrany should still be live until Dec 2016, what do you think please?


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @Dazza16


Its always a good idea to keep the paperwork. 


As i mentioned the warranty lasts 24 months. 


After that a charge would be levied. 


What resets have been performed on the phone ? What's wrong with it ?


If not already performed I'd suggest backing your information up and do a Factory Reset which takes it back to the last Firmware update.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion
Sorry, posted at the same time.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion
The thing is either dates are now passed so the 24 months are already passed and the phone is out of warranty now.