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Sure signal not working even after resetting

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Help please!


I have got used to having to reset the suresignal box every week or so in order to get it to work again. But despite resetting the box numerous times this morning I am still unable to get it back up and running. The power light is constant and the second light is flashing.


We have had the box for 1.5 years so do not understand why it has stop working.


Serial number: 21228228371


Many thanks


Hi Lee I have tried several factory resets both today and yesterday and the box is still sitting here with just the red power light. On most pages of the forum a reset requires the light to come on solidly not just flash - maybe things need updating! So as I originally mentioned I have reset the unit but you wouldn't know it and it has had zero effect. I am unable to test on anther connection at present but there is nothing wrong with my connection it is working fully - I am an IT Technician, so have already checked myself and through Virgin Media. Are you able to detect my Sure Signal on the network? I did ask this before! Was the unit resynced yesterday? If so, that has made no difference either. Has the software for my Sure Signal been updated as per Toms forum message? I suggest that if it was resynced yesterday, you should arrange for a new Sure Signal to be despatched to me as soon as possible. This was the solution last time this sort of thing happened. Please get back to me as soon as possible as I am sick and tired of seeing 'Limited Service' (ie no phone signal) on my phone every time I try to use it. Regards Keith Turner

Hi togsy8591,


Thanks for coming back to me.


The reason I asked for you to try the VSS on another connection to rule in/out the unit being faulty.


I can see the unit is connected to our network however the last connection date was 02/12/12. The resync was completed yesterday and I've done another one for you prior to my last post.


I'm afraid I can't just send you another VSS without trying it on another connection. If it behaves the same way then we'll look at your options but I need to prove the VSS is faulty before replacing it.





Hi Lee I sat down last night and really thought about the problem Sure Signal and decided it must be a firewall issue - if the Sure Signal was not faulty (although I hadn't confirmed this!). The unit worked when I had a Virgin Media modem linked to my own Netgear router which by default had the firewall turned on. However, in the Summer this set up was replaced with the Virgin Media Superhub VMDG480, which by default has the firewall disabled. Naturally, once I found out the firewall wasn't working I enabled it and set the protection on high. There are three protection levels low, medium and high but even on the low setting it was blocking all or some of the ports necessary for the Sure Signal to operate. This was a while ago and as far as I can remember the Sure Signal continued to work after the firewall was activated but it has since stopped working. Therefore, I can confirm that simply disabling the firewall allows the Sure Signal to configure itself in a matter of minutes and it is noticeable how much quicker the configuration process is than it used to be. So, in order to reactivate the firewall, without affecting the Sure Signal, I have had to assign the Sure Signal a static IP address and set up port forwarding for the five ports detailed in George's troubleshooter ie 8, 50,123, 500 and 4500 (plus the other range for BT customers). So, despite the UPnP feature being activated on the Superhub it clearly does not recognise the Sure Signal as a plug and play device and therefore does not set up port forwarding automatically. Obviously, I am not sure which unit is at fault but it might be worth mentioning to whoever writes the software for the Sure Signal, so it can be addressed for the next firmware update, or brought to the attention of Virgin Media. I hope this helps any future Virgin Media broadband customers. Thanks for your assistance. Regards Keith Turner

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
I too am having problems with my sure signa, no. 21224727012.
I am in the hebrides on community broadband, and whilst I know there are issues with PPPOE connections both myself and the techies at know VSS does work as others have got it working. They booted my speed up to max to test it as I couldn't get it working, and following your advice on here I reset the SS too. Whereas all I got before was a steady power light, now all it does is flash on and off.
I have followed for my dynamode router, and have now got the VSS listed through DMZ. Still no joy.
Any advice anyone?

Hi tomdroid77,


Thanks for your post here.


Looking at the registration I can see that the unit hasn’t connected to the server since February.


Can you confirm your external IP address?


Also, please ca you try to lower any firewalls that you have on the connection and reboot the Sure Signal.



Hello James,


Thank you for your response. My external IP address is


I have done as you requested.





2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I have gone through all the steps you've suggested abd the power light still just flashes.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi tomdroid77,


This still hasn’t update since February.


I’ve done a re-sync for you today so please complete this by performing a factory reset as follows:


-Locate the button on the base of the box next to the Ethernet ports.

-Press and hold the button for approximately 30 seconds.

-Once the lights come back on, release the button.

-The Sure Signal will come online in around 1 hour.


If this still doesn’t work, please try another connection (friend or family member etc) as this will let us know if the problem is with your connection or with the Sure Signal.


Let me know how you get on. :Smiling:






1: Seeker
Please could someone test my sure signal as also having the same problem. Three lights on but no signal on mobile phone. Serial number is 21197228600


Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.

Your speed test results from here.

Your ping test results from here.

Your external IP address from here.

The results of a traceroute.


Your Sure Signal serial number:


VSS Traceroute command

On a PC:

Click on Start and select Run

Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok

A black box will appear.

In this box type tracert press Enter

Paste the output of this command into your reply.

This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.

