03-01-2017 08:35 PM
Hi, I've contacted the technical team to see if they can fix my Sure Signal, but I have still had no joy with it. Can you advise if you can help me? I have a Version 1 box. I have provided some information below. Please advise if you require more.
Serial Number : 21224730917
Kind Regards
03-01-2017 08:38 PM
Please Note : If the Sure Signal displays ANY signs of internal failure / no lights then unplug it straightaway and contact Vodafone Customer Services.
It may also be worth trying a different power supply with the SureSignal (Version 1 & 2 ), as there have been some reports of replacement power supplies solving the issues. Even if lights / power are showing. They are available on eBay for around £10.
From member cineriv "But firstly, have a look around for a suitable unit with a 12 Volt output @ around 1.5Amp capacity that you could 'borrow' to prove the fault. Suitable units can be found on external hard drives, monitors, printers, routers etc.etc."
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
04-01-2017 08:19 AM
When I've contacted technical support over the Live Chat, they have said there was an issue on their end and an "update" had to be performed. I contacted them twice in one evenings, 3 hours apart as I was told the first time to wait 2 hours and it would be up and running fine. 4 days later and I still have no fix to the problem. The lights all flash randomly, there is no rhyme or reason to the order they flash in. Though it does look like it's trying to find a connection with whatever server it connects to. Any technical help to try to reset my connection, like on 2 previous occasions in the past few years my Sure Signal has gone down?
Thanks for your advice BoB
06-01-2017 01:13 PM
@kaiserimy I've looked into this and can see your Sure Signal last connected to our servers, on 6 January at 01.50am.
If you're still experiencing issues reagrding this, please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread.
07-01-2017 09:53 AM
Hi, I can say that until 2 nights ago, when it reconnected without reason, the last time I had a connection was 31st of December. I spent the rest of the week trying to fix it but to such result. Suddenly 2 nights ago I discovered it had itself fixed itself. And this morning I see this email from yourselves.
Somehow it has resolved itself. I don't get it.
07-01-2017 02:11 PM
@kaiserimy It's great to hear this is now resolved. Thanks for letting us know.
If there's anything else we can help with in the future, please get in touch.
10-01-2017 06:22 AM
Thanks Colleen
01-02-2017 08:42 PM
Hi, Colleen, my internet went down this afternoon and 5 hours after I managed to get my internet running. But, my sure signal is AGAIN having trouble connecting just like before. Are you able to do your magic again to fix this for me please. I have a Version 1 box. I have provided some information below. Please advise if you require more.
Serial Number : 21224730917
Kind Regards
02-02-2017 03:53 PM
@kaiserimy I can see that your Sure Signal last made contact with our server on 2 February 2017.
If you're still experiencing issues please let us know.
04-02-2017 08:23 AM
Hi Rahim, this is correct, and it is still not working. Is there anything you can do from your end?