19-09-2016 07:37 PM
19-09-2016 07:55 PM
With the iPhone 6s it does not have to have bern supplied by Vodafone to work like the Samsung Galaxy accepted phones have to be. As per the information in Vodafone Calling over wifi.
It maybe worth checking your carrier settings. Information on how is in Apples link here > Carrier Settings
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
19-09-2016 08:46 PM
20-09-2016 06:18 AM
Your welcome.
Try removing your Sim card and re insert to see if that invokes anything.
Please then do preserve with customers services.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
20-09-2016 07:59 AM
To be able to use WiFi calling, you need to be on a SIM only Red tariff. If you are not on an eligible 12 month tariff, you would be unable to use WiFi calling.
You can see the Red SIM only plans on the link below.
If you are on an eligible tariff and are still unable to use WiFi calling, you need to use Live Chat, they will be able to advise further.
21-09-2016 12:14 PM
Hello @Jonathanbarnes1,
As @AnnS has stated, you'd need to be on an eligible plan for Wi-Fi Calling to work. Is this something that's been discussed with our Customer Service Team?
21-09-2016 12:34 PM
21-09-2016 12:46 PM
@Jonathanbarnes1 wrote:
I called Vodafone this morning and they said I need to have a piece of software installed on my phone to allow for frequencies as phone was not bought directly from Vodafone
Absolute rubbish. Unlike Android devices, IOS is the same on all phones whether bought from a network or directly from Apple. The only difference is the carrier file which is issued by the network but this doesn't install any software on the phone.
If you have a 6S or 6S+ and the right bundle Wi Fi calling will or should work.
21-09-2016 01:55 PM
@Jonathanbarnes1, that information isn't correct - I'm unsure why you would've been advised that.
What @jeffkinn has said is correct. Have our Customer Service Team checked if you're on an eligible plan?
21-09-2016 08:19 PM
Im trying to talk to the tech team noone seems to know!!!