Broadband connection
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Forum Posts

Setting up TP link AC1200

Hi, I have the THG3000 and have had issues with an important device constantly disconnecting from it. I have bought at TP link AC1200 as I understood it is dual band and can set the channel to try stop the issue. Did I buy the wrong router? I am now ...

Wifiwoes by 2: Seeker
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Amazon fire stick dropping out

Hi, i switched from Nowtv to Vodafone broadband about a year ago and my fire stick has been rubbish ever since, regularly losing connection when nothing else does and causing me to get kicked out of the catch-up apps. I have tried resetting the fire ...

DSL login changed after 'upgrade'?

HiI 'upgraded' my line, or rather renewed my broadband contract the other day and go live was on the 21st. On the 22nd I received a confirmation text that it had gone live. My account has recently been beset with issues and it had taken >11h of calls...

mr-b by 4: Newbie
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Amazon fire stick connection drop

Hi I recently joined Vodafone full fiber broadband but I'm having problems with my amazon fire stick losing connection after about 30min of it running perfectly. Everything els is working OK although when what's app face timing last night the connect...

when does my broadband go live?

Openreach have installed my broadband connection today but its still seems that my connection has still not gone fully live.The router will not connect to my android phone app. I have tried various things as suggested through the Vodafone forums but ...

glysj001 by 2: Seeker
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Internet connection drops 15-20 times per day

I've been on vodafones fibre to the cabinet service for a year now - its' been all smooth up until the last week or so..The internet connection will drop about 20 times a day - not get slower, but will straight up stop working. I have to restart the ...

itsbd96 by 2: Seeker
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Poor wifi

Hi, I have the fast 910 up and down to the house but unfortunately suffer from poor WiFi to the upstairs. I wonder if I qualify for so.e kind of wifi booster/extender?

Smig by 2: Seeker
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Leaving a Review

DO NOT get vodafone broadband.After conversing with them for months and having one engineer visit per month for 8 months our broadband is still dropping constantly. I spent 3 hours trying to get through their chat bots and 'customer service' team who...

Gigafast 900 - Unusable in the evenings

 I am wondering if anyone can help me or give me any advice on how to approach VF with my issue. I have had Gigafast 900 since December last year and its been amazing until recently. I usually get 900 up and down and its been pretty flawless for gami...