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No data network in SN16

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

For at least three weeks now I have absolutely no data coverage when I leave the house (i.e., not on Wifi).  This is not just an issue for me, but everyone on Vodafone in this area is having exactly the same issue. 


I'm not sitting on the phone for hours to be told the same thing every other customer is being told ("change some settings on your phone" or "the mast will be fixed today"), so can someone from Vodafone please update me on what is happening, when it will be realistically fixed and why your network checker indicates everything is fine when it really is not?  I don't pay a monthly fee to you to just use my home wifi on a phone I already own.




Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hi @JSMVV, thanks for getting in touch, I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're having with your data. I can see that you've already done some trouble shooting - if you could complete the network template here and post your results; we'll be able to take a more in depth look at the signal in your area. 

Thanks - I’ve posted in a separate post. 
Someone did a Facebook poll on our local group and this issue is also affecting O2 customers. Nearly 300 people said they have no signal with Vodafone and same number with O2. See the attached photo 




1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service? No, it’s all over the Malmesbury area including town centre. 


2) What is the full postcode (e.g. ST1 1AA) of where the issue occurs? I’ll put on my profile. 


3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone? Yes


4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs? My phone says I have 4G and I have multiple bars but I cannot use my phone to browse the internet or use parking apps or any app on my mobile for that matter. 


5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all? ALL


6) When did you first notice this issue? Three weeks ago after I got text message from Vodafone to say there was an issue in the area and later another text message to say it was fixed. It’s not fixed. 


7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs? Permanent. 


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

So where do you seriously want me to begin explaining this! Well 2 weeks ago I had no data around the town area so I live chatted you and I was told no problem in the area? And the outage map was saying no issue either and still today says there are no known issues. Seriously get a grip update the map there is clearly an issue with data in the area so please update it. 235 others in the area have the issue so is there still not issue? So when is this mast covering the bottom of Tetbury Hill and Malmesbury Town Centre gonna be fixed by the 10TH?! Well what a load of rubbish it is still not fixed and no update from you at all? Your a phone company surely it’s simple to send a message to your customers explaining outages in the area. I want to know when this is gonna be fixed and I hope your ready to compensate every single customer affected in the Malmesbury, Wiltshire area!!!!

And no I don’t want another SIM card the one I have now does the job perfectly but if we could have our data back I would appreciate it!! By the way fix your live chat it’s shocking and doesn’t work on mobile devices it’s nearly as unhelpful as your outage map which is broken! Not showing issues in the local area? Make an issue on the map please at least take into account a problem in the area.

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Thanks for providing that information @JSMVV and @BenThornburyUK2. I think the best thing to do would be to get some additional details from you, so we can raise this to our Network Team for an update. 

So we can do this securely, please get in touch via Facebook, or contact us on Twitter. You can find more information on doing this here. Can you pop a link to this thread and your username in the post too 👍

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


i have been in contact with Vodafone countless times! No one person has admitted there is an issue or when it will be sorted! I have made an ofcom report. And my next step is to escalate this to the ombudsman for compensation. There is no way nearly 300 people are effected is a coincidence or network settings. Sick of been refused compensation or a refund, also sick of all Vodafone customer service saying to trouble shoot or say that it’s my network settings!!  Also for the record here is the evidence that Vodafone keeps asking for. How much lord evidence do you need?


Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @Kezard - the best thing you can do is get in touch with us via our social channels like I advised above. If we can gather a few examples and raise this to our Network team, we'll be able to raise a case and have the issues investigated. 

You can get in contact with us here on the Social Media team via Facebook or Twitter. Find out how to get in touch here.