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Can't redeem reward (Pay as you go)

1: Seeker

Hi, I'm trying to redeem the £3 M&S Gift Card via SMS reward with my remaining rewards points, however after clicking the "Continue" button, the "Redeem now" button on the next page leads me back to the rewards home page with no confirmation that it went through and my points balance stays the same.
I have enough points, and have tried on a few different browsers so I'm not sure why it's not working?

Also, I managed to redeem one of the other rewards (75 minutes for 7 days) successfully and it came with a confirmation page and a reduction in my points value. Thanks for your help!


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @ChantelleYan 


I am wondering if this is something to do with your other rewardz claim.


I would recommend giving it 24 hours this should be adequate time for the other reward to have cleared and try and claim the M & S voucher, fortunately you still have sufficient time to claim the voucher before the 27th September expiry.  It would be worth clearing cookies on the browsers you have tried before trying to claim.


However, if you still have problems spending your rewards, there is no reason for live chat being unable to help.  Alternatively, just follow the link to speak directly to the Social Team Contact Us