03-03-2024 03:11 AM
Hi, I just used the online topup system for PAYG and it keeps returning "Unable to Top Up this mobile number". For the number I have and had for 9 years. ???
When I tried to call 2345, I keet receiving a dumb message asking to confirm the mobile number except there is no way to confirm. I tried to type that using a keypad and to say that loud. But I keep receiving and autoreply "I am having so much trouble blah blah". I am really angry at this point and am considering simply switching Vodafone after all these years and not coming back as you left your customers in a horrible position - I need to travel and to activate my roaming package soon. This is appalling.
03-03-2024 05:27 AM
Has this resolved itself now @lear994
If not perhaps use Live Chat and or contact the Vodafone Social Media Team via Contact-us-for-account-specific-queries.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
12-03-2024 10:36 AM
Yes, only took Vodafone a week to fix a huge bug like that...
11-03-2024 11:30 AM
I have a similar problem: for the last couple of days, i've been unable to do Paypal topup to a couple of phones, I can put in the number, and the Paypal amount, but the 'button to perform action' is not there.. I'm not sure if this is just a current software glitch for topping up that will be resolved soon?
11-03-2024 06:51 PM
I had the same problem. I first noticed it Friday. But if you go the the top up page, the PayPal button is there now, so I assume it's been fixed.