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New customer Outstanding payment before first DD taken

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi I’m new to Vodafone and took out a monthly contract on 24th Jan for £42. I’ve signed into the Vodafone app to look at when my first payment is due and have my first bill due to be debited on 4th Feb at £42 for the period of 24th Jan to 23rd Feb which is fine. I happened to click on the bill and noticed that the app says I have an outstanding amount of £42 and says not all of your last bill was paid and I have an outstanding payment. How can this be if I haven’t even had my first direct debit?  Thanks


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Yes @Rach84 , the first bill will include a months line rental in advance and I am sure that will be the reason for the outstanding amount of £42.00.  The first bill is calculated on a pro rata basis and if you are looking at the Application you won't get an accurate figure until the first bill has been paid.

When your bill has been generated and is online ready to be viewed it will provide something to go on and make more sense, and you will be able to check the billing dates.

Vodafone have further information for customers here: Your Airtime Plan bill explained 

 Thanks for your reply. I’ve had the first bill generated which says I owe £42 and the DD will be taken on 4th Feb which is fine. So when I go into the my Vodafone app now it’s says first bill £42 and also you have an outstanding amount from your last bill of £42 to pay when I haven’t had a bill until now. I don’t want it to go down as a missed payment. 


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

This will be the one months payment in advance @Rach84 and it should be taken with the direct debit on the 4th February.  Wait until the direct debit has cleared, the Application should then catch up and give accurate usage/charges information.

If the amount still looks incorrect drop the Social Team a message through social channels for account access and they will help here Contact Us