04-08-2017 04:25 PM
I have a problem with my data being used up far too quickly.. here's a quick summary;
I used to have in my package 6gb of data. I listen to the radio as i walk to/from work every day which uses most of my data. I only rarely went over this.
SO, time comes to upgrade so i decide to choose a package with lots more data - 16gb. And now i am finding i am almost to the max of that?!!! I'm doing the same pattern of listening to my radio en route to work, nothing different. But it seems my data is always almost to the limit again - surely this cannot be the case.
It seems the data cog is 'turning faster' - ie using more up for usual usage. Is this allowed?
Is this a ploy for vodafone to get people to up their package/spend more money?
Can anyone shed light on this? I should be well within since i used to cope on 6gb.
Please note - i have roaming off,app refresh off, location services off, only update on wifi etc etc etc.
04-08-2017 06:33 PM
This is a help thread I put together @5755kerry which may help.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.