20-11-2020 07:57 AM
I have received a refund cheque from Vodafone after leaving the network in 2018. Its been made out to my maiden name as I married in 2019 and I can't pay it in. How do I go about getting a new one made out to my married name please?
23-11-2020 02:54 PM
24-11-2020 06:27 PM
Thanks for the reply but I don't have Facebook /twitter. When I try and do live chat the option isn't there for what I need. When I call customer services I can't get through as you don't have my mobile number on record (obviously as I no longer have an account with Vodafone). So where do I go from here?
25-11-2020 01:54 PM
I appreciate this must be frustrating @Em78. I'd consider opening a Facebook or Twitter account (Twitter is usually considered a little easier), as many companies these days have incorporated a large social media presence to help customers out. If you'd prefer not to, I'd advise trying our customer service phone line again. Once you've gotten through to an agent, they should be able to get this sorted for you.
04-12-2020 11:11 AM
I'll second that. It's worth setting up a social media account to engage with all manner of customer services these days. because the initial contact is public, responses are usually quick. Once you've engaged, you can supply personal details privately.
Twitter is probably best for this and you can set quite a lot of privacy.
04-12-2020 07:19 PM
I left vodaphone due to poor service. Refund cheque issued but can not be banked as it made out to MRS..... Not Miss ........... Did a live chat but they could not help me. Advised to phone in but hard of hearing . (Probably wasted more money than the cheque is worth. Disability discrimination.)
Nobody at vodaphone will help me. Trustpilot reviews not replied to for more than a year
Please help
04-12-2020 07:26 PM
Give the Vodafone Social Media Team's via Contact-us-for-account-specific-queries a try at helping you with this @Mantleclock
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
07-12-2020 03:23 PM
This came up recently on another thread. There's a specific form Customer Services can complete to get this done, so a note to the Social Media team should get it sorted.