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4: Newbie

I used the My Vodafone app on Tuesday to pay off some of my rather large o/s balance. It's now Thursday and Vodafone still haven't received the amount. I have called the bank and Visa about this debit card payment and they have advised it can take 3-5 working days for the money to come back to account.


I used the app as it was a convenient, quick way to make an immediate payment, turns out to not be the case.


I would warn anyone off using the automated services, wether that be voice, web or mobile apps, as it leaves me uncertain now if they will get the payment at all.


My hope is that they do, otherwise in future I will always be calling to speak to a human, and put my trust in them instead,


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion




When I'm discussing with people about manually paying off I do advise to hold off if they can and let a Direct debit take payment. That way there shouldn't be such issues. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Direct debit doesn't work too great for us, we get paid weekly, bi-weekly, and four weekly benefit for my wife's illness.


Easier to pay by debit card, would love a four weekly direct debit however.


Thanks for trying to help


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @Spitfire400


When you use your debit card to pay for a purchase, the money is ringfenced on your bank account for around two working days after which time it is claimed by the merchant.  This is the same as paying by card for your weekly shopping in the supermarket.


When you log onto your online bank account, you will notice two balances, your pending balance where the money is held as a pending transaction and available balance. 


You will probably find the money leaves your pending balance later tonight.  I usually find banks tend to make these payments just after 6pm.


Using the automated payment system by calling 56677 free from your mobile means the payment goes straight to your account and can be a lot quicker than using the online payment system through My Vodafone.


Further info for you below.


How do I pay my Phone Bill?



Thanks for the information you provided Ann S. Next time I will use the payment line, or speak to a member of the 191 team.


It is now 04/11/16, some five days since I made the payment and Vodafone still have the funds earmarked on my bank account. They have not been able to cancel the payment, as it involves Vodafone proving to them they have not received the funds yet by email (which would take 5-7 days for a response)


RBS informed me that after 5-7 days the payment will fail/drop out and go back to our bank account. My question is why are there no teams at Vodafone that can claim funds quickly that have been earmarked in this manner by "My Vodafone" or "" ?


Seems ridiculous that customers can make a payment via the automated systems that will fail, and then cause further delay with not claiming the money. Causing the customer to effectively make the payment twice. It would be a lot easier I feel if they would fix things that are broken. If not prepared to do that, then get rid of the broken bits, and keep those that work.


Yet another way that Vodafone manage to look good and effective, but in the end leave you dissapointed and frustrated, disregarded as not being required.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @Spitfire400


I completely understand your frustration and worry at this situation, our apologies. 

I am going to send you a Private Message with further help on this. 



1: Seeker
I've had exactly the same issue paying my monthly bill, resulting in a threat to cut my phone service if I don't pay. As far as I was concerned it was paid, I only checked my online banking to satisfy myself, to find the payment was still in pending a week later, on contacting Vodafone I've been told its a problem with the Application. So why the threatening text ( not a happy customer) Mike Jones.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@gembekhaz If the balance is showing as pending, you may need to get in touch with your bank, as they may be withholding the funds. 

Let us know if you need further help from our end.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
I've had the same thing twice now. Once about a year ago and I'm currently going through the same thing again. I paid my bill last thursday(it's now Sunday) through the app as they say it's the easiest and for me the most convenient way of doing it. The money has been taken from my account and not reached Vodafone. I was told to go into the bank and get proof I have paid the bill and take it to a Vodafone store where they would put a 'note' on my file and then my account would be credited and updated as I had shown proof. I've contacted Vodafone again a few times using the phone and chat and all I get told is that there are no notes on my account and that I need to pay my bill asap as it is now past the due date. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm afraid that our antiquated banking system doesn't work that quickly. It still take three working days for a BACS payment to reach the recipient at the other end. So a BACS payment made on a Thursday will reach them on a Monday.


It's much better to make a payment direct with the bank using a system called Faster Payments. That will usually reach the person you are paying in a few minutes and almost certainly that day.
