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Forum Posts

Voicemail Temporary Greeting and Extended Absence Greeting

These features of the Voicemail system are very useful, especially over the holiday season, but there is remarkably little information about them on the website. Indeed, I haven’t been able to find any information, although I use them regularly, and ...

Annie_N by Community Champion (Retired)
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Vodafone Sure Signal troubleshooting

Flashing/steady power light, no other lights litLight one on, light two flashingSure Signal not transmitting a 3G signal‘Call Failed’ error when making callsResetting your Sure SignalSure Signal - Call Audio Quality IssuesIssue not listed?   Getting ...

Retired-Kay by Moderator (Retired)
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Network issues – initial checks and template

If you're having network problems, please read the information below before posting. This will help us to identify any issues more quickly. A network issue would include loss of signal, poor signal or problems making/receiving calls or texts:   1. Ch...

VodafoneUK by Administrator
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Network queries - frequently asked questions

We receive a number of network related queries every month and many of these ask about how we handle these enquiries.   This FAQ tells you everything you need to know: 1) I’ve posted a network query, what now?   2) Why can't you give me a timescale o...

Multiple devices connected.

Connected a laptop to the network fine but tried to connect a second and it wouldn't connect or it would with a slow connection. You then have to go into the Android app and change channels on 5ghz. Have to do this almost on a daily basis. Anyone hav...

craigr98 by 4: Newbie
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Smart V8 and WiFi Calling

Anyone know if the Vodafone Smart V6 already supports WiFi Calling. I know the V6 in other Euro countries had it enabled, but I can't find it on my UK model. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but there's no WiFi calling switch i...

iainmann by 10: Established
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Sure Signal Suspended

Unable to de-register or manage a sure signal as it's showing as suspended. When I click on 'Manage Sure Signal' I get the following message; "Sorry, you don't seem to have registered with us yet. Please contact Customer Support." When I try and regi...

ST1985 by 2: Seeker
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I can't see past bills on my online account - 6 months now!

Hi all, I've been having a nightmare with my account. - haven't been able to see bills since Jan 17 - upgraded phone in Feb plus got better deal but had to chase it up in April as wasn't applied and bills were wrong - been toing and froing with cutom...

Julesfb by 3: Seeker
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Mobile Broadband Issue

Since 18/08/2018, some of the sites such as Yahoo Japan  and other social net work service sites cannot be viewed showing the error message saying "the site cannot be reached". Other sites such as MSN or MSN Japan can be viewed all right.  The adult ...

LL15 - New Mast Near Cyffylliog, Denbighshire

A new mast has been built near my village of Cyffylliog (sample postcode LL15 2DW) and I am wondering if it is a Vodafone or partner mast? Will Vodafone be using this mast to provide outdoor coverage for the area? I already have a Suresignal, which h...

Vodafone V8

I am a small business owner and took delivery of two V8 handsets last week. One works fine. The second does not. There is no keyboard facility, only voice activation and the wifi connection is intermittent unlike the other handset.I have requested he...

Can't receive phone calls and texts from certain people

Hi,For the last couple of weeks I have not been able to receive phone calls and texts messages from certain people. Every time they call me it goes straight to voicemail even though I have full reception. I have reset my phone to factory settings and...

Eizzil5 by 2: Seeker
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Upgrading - missing data

So,  just over a month ago I upgraded to a SIM Only deal.  I negotiated a great deal with retentions for 10GB of data, unlimited minutes and texts as well as Spotify. I realised that the data was actually 8GB from the plan and 2GB of "goodwill data" ...

drey_p by 16: Advanced member
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Mobile WiFi with BT YouView Box

Does anyone know what I need to connect my BT YouView box to my mobile broadband?  The BT box says to use a LAN connector - but of course this isn't possible with the mobile broadband router.  I guess I need something to connect to the BT box to talk...

JR55 by 2: Seeker
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