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Forum Posts

Voicemail Temporary Greeting and Extended Absence Greeting

These features of the Voicemail system are very useful, especially over the holiday season, but there is remarkably little information about them on the website. Indeed, I haven’t been able to find any information, although I use them regularly, and ...

Annie_N by Community Champion (Retired)
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Vodafone Sure Signal troubleshooting

Flashing/steady power light, no other lights litLight one on, light two flashingSure Signal not transmitting a 3G signal‘Call Failed’ error when making callsResetting your Sure SignalSure Signal - Call Audio Quality IssuesIssue not listed?   Getting ...

Retired-Kay by Moderator (Retired)
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Network issues – initial checks and template

If you're having network problems, please read the information below before posting. This will help us to identify any issues more quickly. A network issue would include loss of signal, poor signal or problems making/receiving calls or texts:   1. Ch...

VodafoneUK by Administrator
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Network queries - frequently asked questions

We receive a number of network related queries every month and many of these ask about how we handle these enquiries.   This FAQ tells you everything you need to know: 1) I’ve posted a network query, what now?   2) Why can't you give me a timescale o...

Disconnecting Your Mobile Service Leaving Vodafone

I gave Vodafone 30 days notice as of the 9th Dec 16 to close my wife's and my account on pay monthly. We both got the standed letters "Sorry that you are leaving" and the dates of diconnection would be for my account the 9th Jan 17, and for my wife's...

Power14 by 3: Seeker
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System UI crash

I have an elderly Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 with 8gb of storage and 1gb of RAM.   It gets by as long as I regularly clear recent apps and RAM (there's a widget for the latter). On Saturday, touching the recent apps button produced a black screen and the m...

hrym by 17: Community Champion
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Re: Problems with mobile broadband connection to internet

Hi, I've spoken to Vodafone on live chat and on the phone. They told me they reset something and it won't happen again. I have the chat transcript. I knew at the time that there was no way the guy had understood or fixed my problem but I couldn't arg...

mousico by 3: Seeker
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Huawei mate 9

After getting bored of samsung and its awful bloatware i got a Huawei g8 a year back. The new Mate 9 looks absolutley class and the reviews have been nothing but sheer positive. Will it be coming to Vodafone? I know its on Three and they are really t...

Music Player

VF-895 Smart Prime 6 Music Player.Default app is 'Google Play Music' which seems to want me to subscribe.I only want to play my own music transferred to my phone.Do I need another Music Player app, and, if so, which one, or am I mis-reading the 'Goog...

breenp57 by 3: Seeker
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Porting number (switching from PAYG to PayMonthly)

Hi, everyone!Last week - on Tuesday, Jan.24 - I went to local Vodafone store and requested a switch from PAYG to PayMonthly keeping my existing number.The migration (using the transitional temprorary number) went fine on Friday morning - Jan.27 (at l...

antoha17 by 2: Seeker
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SE15 - London

  SE15 2HE. Network been on 3g then stalls to nothing for about a week. Used to have 4g in house. Network fine elsewhere. Vodafone don't make it easy to report a problem. Going to go onto twitter see how they like it in the public domain.

Phone does not receive 4G

Post Title: 'First half of post code - Area' e.g. ST1 – Stoke-on-Trent 1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service? no 2) What is the full postcode (e.g. ST1 1AA) of where the issue occurs? If...

Rob-T by 1: Seeker
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IP27 - Brandon

Was having issues with no service yesterday in the IP27 area and after checking online I got onto the chat to report the issue.   I was told that there was no issues but after stating there was an issue the advisor changed their mind and said that it...

terryh by 4: Newbie
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