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Forum Posts

Voicemail Temporary Greeting and Extended Absence Greeting

These features of the Voicemail system are very useful, especially over the holiday season, but there is remarkably little information about them on the website. Indeed, I haven’t been able to find any information, although I use them regularly, and ...

Annie_N by Community Champion (Retired)
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Vodafone Sure Signal troubleshooting

Flashing/steady power light, no other lights litLight one on, light two flashingSure Signal not transmitting a 3G signal‘Call Failed’ error when making callsResetting your Sure SignalSure Signal - Call Audio Quality IssuesIssue not listed?   Getting ...

Retired-Kay by Moderator (Retired)
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Network issues – initial checks and template

If you're having network problems, please read the information below before posting. This will help us to identify any issues more quickly. A network issue would include loss of signal, poor signal or problems making/receiving calls or texts:   1. Ch...

VodafoneUK by Administrator
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Network queries - frequently asked questions

We receive a number of network related queries every month and many of these ask about how we handle these enquiries.   This FAQ tells you everything you need to know: 1) I’ve posted a network query, what now?   2) Why can't you give me a timescale o...

Resolved! Conference Calling

Any ideas on the maximum number of members you can include in a conference call on the Vodafone network in any one given call. ??

eosman by 9: Established
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Sure Signal - extortionate cost

Who else thinks that Vodafone are ripping off their customers by charging £100 for a Sure Signal device in order to provide a service to a paying customer where Vodafone themselves have been unable to provide a good enough 3G signal? My guess is thes...

cookp by 3: Seeker
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Sure signal v3 stopped working

Hi all,I've had a Sure Signal v3 for about 4 months, and it has worked pretty consistently. Every few weeks it has gone on the blink, but unplugging it and plugging it back in has always sorted it. About three days ago, it stopped working completely,...

plobby by 2: Seeker
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SureSignal - needs resync I think

My SureSignal 3 suddenly stopped working a couple of weeks ago. I've tried resetting but all I get is a solid power light and a flashing white internet light. Looking through the forum it appears that the solution is usually a resync to the network. ...

mcieslik by 3: Seeker
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Sure Signal not working - no lights at all

Hi Sure signal (ALU 9361 Home Cell p3.0) has just lights at all.  Tried in different sockets, but still no lights.  Is there an internal fuse that can be changed?  Serial # 40130427459 Thanks, Phil.

re-sync my sure signal please

Hello, following advice from Twitter, I need my Sure Signal re-sync'd. The serial number is 21227854656. thank you. 

Transferring contacts

New phone with smaller sim card and only option seems to be "pop in to nearest store". 200 mile round trip from here. Why no instructions or video on your website? Is it so complicated?

Blackberry ID Password Reset

HiI need to reset the password associated with my Blackberry ID but I have forgotten the answer to the security question. What can you do to help me?Thanks

Sure Signal and 3G phone compatibility: Google Nexus 5

 I am thinking abou a vodafone PAYG sim card and purchase of a Nexus 5 smart phone. We live in an area where 2G is iffy at best and 3G is non-existant Because Nexus 5 is not listed within the Sure Signal compatibility list, can someone confirm whethe...
