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Forum Posts

Voicemail Temporary Greeting and Extended Absence Greeting

These features of the Voicemail system are very useful, especially over the holiday season, but there is remarkably little information about them on the website. Indeed, I haven’t been able to find any information, although I use them regularly, and ...

Annie_N by Community Champion (Retired)
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Vodafone Sure Signal troubleshooting

Flashing/steady power light, no other lights litLight one on, light two flashingSure Signal not transmitting a 3G signal‘Call Failed’ error when making callsResetting your Sure SignalSure Signal - Call Audio Quality IssuesIssue not listed?   Getting ...

Retired-Kay by Moderator (Retired)
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Network issues – initial checks and template

If you're having network problems, please read the information below before posting. This will help us to identify any issues more quickly. A network issue would include loss of signal, poor signal or problems making/receiving calls or texts:   1. Ch...

VodafoneUK by Administrator
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Network queries - frequently asked questions

We receive a number of network related queries every month and many of these ask about how we handle these enquiries.   This FAQ tells you everything you need to know: 1) I’ve posted a network query, what now?   2) Why can't you give me a timescale o...

Optimising app loop

My new Vodafone smart ultra 6 is stuck in an "optimising app" loop. I have tried a factory reset/reboot (several times) but it is still in the loop. I am abroad so cannot pop into a Vodafone store for help. Any solutions?

TimS57 by 2: Seeker
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VSS Stopped Connecting

Hello, my Sure Signal v3 recently stopped working None of the registered phones connect to the VSSRed Light - Solid - Next 2 Lights White Solid - 3rd Light - Never Comes on All help appreciated... Speed TestDownload 51.64MbsUpload 16.28Mbs Ping TestP...

VSSAK by 4: Newbie
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LG G4 reboot issue

My LG G4 has started the dreaded reboot loop.I can't engage with Vodafone cust servs online as I need the phone to be working to get a code on SMS...It was having random reboot issues, usually in relation to connecting to a new wifi router, a couple ...

hiwakey by 4: Newbie
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Resolved! HTC One M8 No 4G

I have a unlocked HTC one M8 that I am using on my new (just under a week) monthly Vodefone contact. It never connects to 4G apart from when I have been in a Vodafone Shop. I have 4G coverage according to the map and customer services representatives...

jezvon by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! PUK entry

Hi I've just managed to sim lock a new phone I have purchased for my daughter. I enter correct PUK and then request asks for new PIN. What ever I enter and confirm it reverts back to enter PUK code and no. of times left able to enter reduces ? Phone ...

Resolved! Getting 4G on iPad

I have had the same SIM for my iPad since 2010 when the first generation was released. My iPad is able to receive 4G, but if I enable it on my iPad 4 (Retina) it does not work saying that it is not supported.    I sent a Tweet to the Vodafone "suppor...

Replacement phone

My mobile phone has stopped working. My local Vodaphone shop.tells me that the charging port is faulty. Can I get a replacement phone|?

RobPheby by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! LG G4 battery charging issues

Hi, Had my LG G4 about 7 months now and really pleased with it. However it is now taking an age to charge. I always use the AC charger that came with the phone and it used to take about 2 to 3 hours for a full charge which I found acceptable.Recently...

viggen by 4: Newbie
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Faulty phone

Hi all and VodafoneI have a Sony Z3 compact. My contract runs out in December 2016. I have a few issues with my phone and would like to know if Vodafone can help me.The phone has been great for me on the whole. But over the last few months I must say...
